cyqdesign |
2010-01-05 15:24 |
本书主要面向高年级本科生,首先阐述了激光和脉冲光学的基础知识;然后分别介绍短/超短激光脉冲及其产生、操控和测量以及分光镜的应用。本书在第一版的基础上作了全面的修订,增加两章以介绍超快现象中最有前景和发展最快的领域——相干控制和阿秒脉冲。 k[/`G5 [attachment=23862] JV;-P=o1B 市场价:¥68.00 %$zX a%A 优惠价:¥57.50 为您节省:10.50元 (85折) zzZK S
5db9C}0 飞秒激光脉冲:原理及实验目录 Fes/8*- Preface qh/}/Sl; Contributors R%)7z)~ 1 Laser Basics lU% L C. Hirlimann <9aa@c57 1.1 Introduction YE1X*'4 1.2 Stimulated Emission H05U{vR 1.2.1 Absorption ( 2i{8 1.2.2 Spontaneous Emission %<;PEQQ|C 1.2.3 Stimulated Emission @ \JoICz 1.3 Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission K5:> 1.4 Population Inversion 8?&!@3n 1.4.1 TWO-Level System #H&`wMZZ: 1.4.2 Optical Pumping @M8vPH 1.4.3 Light Amplification dS~#Lzm 1.5 Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) zM++Z* 1.5.1 Amplifier Decoupling U$AV"F&!&} 1.6 The Optical Cavity Z)RV6@( 1.6.1 The Fabry-Pérot Interferometer QHbjZJ
N 1.6.2 Geometric Point of View SD=9fh0l 1.6.3 Diffractive-Optics Point of View +BkmI\ 1.6.4 Stability of a Two-Mirror Cavity LLW
xzu!< 1.6.5 Longitudinal Modes \,yX3R3}.~ 1.7 Here Comes the Laser! V"Y-|R 1.8 Conclusion _U`1BmTC2 1.9 Problems AJR`ohh Further Reading T`SpIdzB. Historical References ,|Lf6k 2 Pulesd Optics ^HI}bS1+| 3 Methods for the Generation of Ultuashcort Laser Pulses:Mode-Locking z*OQ4_ 4 Further Methods for the Generation of Ultrashort Optical Pulses ,-_\Y hY> 5 Pulsed Semiconductor Lasers l]KxUkA+ 6 How to Manipulate and Change the Characteristics of Laser Pulese v= "2p8@F 7 How to Measure the Characteristics of Laser Pulses 6@cT;=W;xj 8 Spectroscopic Methods for Analysis of Sample Dynamics GJbU1k] 9 Coherent Effects in Femtosecond Spectroscopy:A Simple Picture Using the Bloch Equation jY ~7- 10 Terahertz Femtosecond Pulese 7&{[Y^R]" 11 Coherent Control in Atoms,Molecules and Solids <jHo2U8/"s 12 Attosecond Pulses 6qkMB|@Ix Index
9ld'SB:# 市场价:¥68.00 =U_O;NC 优惠价:¥57.50 为您节省:10.50元 (85折) <ZgbmRY8