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zimingmeng 2009-10-12 12:08


在光通信领域,是否有商业用的光子晶体器件产品?据我所知,光子晶体光纤已经有商业产品了,虽然和传统的光纤比起来有许多的优越性,如在空气空中传播、实现强的非线性、色散可调等等,但大规模应用的报道好像没有留意到。那除此之外还有其他的基于光子晶体的商业产品吗?例如光开关,光子晶体激光器,等无源或者有源的光器件。这些器件的原型或者原理大概从20世纪90年代中末,就被提出和在实验上证明,但同样,商业的产品还是没有留意有报道啊? _DD.#YB</  
不知道大家有听说过相关的商用光子晶体器件产品吗?对于他们的未来的应用前景有什么的想法和意见?大家讨论一下。 $v \@mW*R  
zimingmeng 2009-10-12 22:12
[转]NKT Photonics http://www.nktphotonics.com/ 5vSJjhS  
About us >0c4C< _  
NKT Photonics A/S is the result of a merger in 2009 between Crystal Fibre A/S – the largest commercial supplier of microstructured specialty fiber and Koheras A/S – the leading company within ultra precise fiber lasers and SuperK Supercontinuum White Light Lasers. _&U.DMt2 C  
@w[2 BaDt  
We focus on commercial optical solutions that simplify the value chain and bring enhancement for the end-customer. ~k[mowz0  
Our vision is to continuously increase the functionality embedded in the fiber and thereby provide robust and simplified system architectures for our customers. 4n5r<?rY  
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NKT Photonics will lead the way in the development of the photonics industry by setting new standards for fiber based lasers and light sources. From the design and manufacture of advanced photonic crystal fibers to the volume production of critical light engines, we are committed to serve our customers with fiber based products at any level of the value chain. *wu:fb2[(  
With over ten years of know-how, IP and experience, NKT Photonics strives to continually be the market leader in everything we do.
zimingmeng 2009-10-14 19:07
The Color of Innovation http://www.opalux.com/ Rv=rO|&]  
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Photonic color is created when photonic crystals interact with light. The tiny insulating elements comprising photonic crystals are arranged to trap and reflect light at varying wavelengths. Change the arrangement of the elements, and you change the color being reflected. By harnessing the unique characteristics of photonic crystals, Opalux has invented a new photonic color technology that outperforms other sources in terms of brightness, resolution, flexibility, stability, economy and sustainability. S?BI)shmg  
Yb? L:,a(I  
Opalux technology generates photonic color via various stimuli: electrical activation, mechanical activation, other activation ]ur_G`B  
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OPALUX is a global leader in photonic color technology research and development. The company's mission is to accelerate the commercialization of new technologies and applications based on the exciting platform of photonic color. Opalux works directly with industry-leading companies in a process of open innovation to collaboratively create the next generation of photonic color technology applications.
zimingmeng 2009-10-14 19:08
zimingmeng 2009-10-21 22:34
光子晶体在光通信系统中的应用 ^X\SwgD2w  
(转自光电学堂网站http://www.coema.org.cn/study/optics/20080221/140051.html =,w(D~ps  
    光子晶体(photonic crystal)是E.Yablonovich于1987年提出的新概念和新材料,从晶体结构来说,晶体内部的原子是周期性有序排列的,正是这种周期势场的存在,使得运动的电子受到周期势场的布拉格散射,从而形成能带结构,带与带之间可能存在带隙。电子波的能量如果落在这种带隙中,就无法继续传播。其实,不论是电磁波,还是其它波如光波等,只要受到周期性调制,都有能带结构,也都有可能出现带隙。而能量落在带隙中的波同样不能传播。在1991年, Yablonovich制作了第一块光子晶体,如图1所示。他所采用的方法是在折射率为3.6的材料上用机械方法钻出许多直径为1mm的孔,并呈周期性分布。这种材料从此被称为“Yablonovich”,它可阻止里面的微波从任何方向传播出去。 LZ-&qh  
  光子晶体可控制光子的运动,是光电集成、光子集成、光通信的一种关键性基础材料。用光子晶体器件来代替传统的电子器件,将会引起光通信领域的一场革命,信息通讯的速度快得无法想象。 XN %tcaY  
  首先,光子晶体波导具有优良的弯曲效应。在一般的光纤波导中,当波导拐弯时,全内反射条件不再有效.因此会漏掉部分光波能量,使传输效率降低。而光子晶体弯曲波导中,所利用的是不同方向缺陷模共振匹配原理。原则上只要达到模式匹配,不管拐多大弯,都能达到很高的传输效率。图2为光子晶体波导的低损耗传输示意图。弯曲效应在全光集成系统中很有应用价值。 mK_2VZj&  
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  其次,光子晶体光纤较传统光纤具有显著的优势。光子晶体带隙特性不但保证了能量传输中的基本无损失,而且不会出现延迟等影响数据传输率的现象。另外,光子晶体光纤还具有极宽的传输频带,可全波段传输。如图3是目前英国斯温顿Bath大学的实验性光子晶体光纤实物图和传输效果图。 tcD DX'S  
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  世界领先的光子晶体光纤产品商业化的公司-----丹麦Crystal Fiber A/S(www.crystal-fibre.com)最近推出了新的光子晶体光纤产品系列。该公司在原有“非线性光子晶体光纤”(Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Fiber)、“大模场区域光子晶体光纤”(Large Mode Area Photonic Crystal Fiber)、“多模光子晶体光纤”(Multimode Photonic Crystal Fiber)三种系列产品的基础上,推出两类新产品;一种是中空的“空气波导光子带隙晶体光纤”(air-guiding Photonic Bandgap Fiber),此晶体光纤的纤芯是中空的,利用空气作为波导,使光可以在特殊的能带隙中传输。另外一种是“双包层高数值孔径掺镱晶体光纤”(Double Clad High NA Yb Fiber),该光纤可以用在光纤激光器或光纤放大器中,另外由于该光纤具有光敏性,还可以在其上刻写光纤光栅。此外,Crystal Fiber A/S公司在推出新产品系列的同时还对原先的一些产品做了许多改进。 +JlPQ~5  
  此外,光子晶体还可用于制造各种性能优良的光通讯器件,如光子晶体激光器。在传统的激光器中存在着一些问题。例如,激光器的发射波长的变化使传输损耗发生变化,这对波分复用系统是十分不利的,而且随着激光器功率的增加,激光器的线宽趋于饱和,并开始重新展宽,这对于相干光纤通信,特别是PDM调制十分不利。激光器的辐射角虽然比LED已经大大减小,但仍然不理想,这也导致了激光器的耦合效率不高,只能达到30%-50%。而在激光器中引入一带有缺陷的光子晶体,使缺陷态形成的波导与出射方向成一样的角度,这样,自发辐射的能量就几乎可以全部用来发射激光,这就大大降低了激光器的阈值。光子晶体激光器,如图4所示。目前,人们正在进行着无阈值激光器的研究。 ?Jy /]j5fI  
  利用光子晶体的带隙特点,可以制造了出理想带阻滤波器,获得优良的光波滤波性能。光子晶体的滤波带宽可以做得很大,目前能实现从低频(几乎为0Hz)直到红外的宽带滤波。这种大范围的滤波作用利用传统的滤波器是难以实现的。 D\0q lCAs  
  OADM是光通信中的一个重要器件,而滤波器又是其中的重要元件,主要实现channel add/drop功能。图5(a)是一种光子晶体channel drop滤波器示意图。这种结构是通过在一块具有二维的光子晶体平板中引入单点缺陷来实现的。频率为fi的光可以被分离出来,转移到其它的波导中,而其它频率的光将不会受任何影响,从理论上来说,这种分离方法是不会给光造成任何损失的。最近人们又成功的实现了channel add的功能,如图5(b)所示。 ;&OVV+y  
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  光子晶体在光通信系统中还有其它许多应用,如光开关、光放大和光交换机等新型器件。光子晶体优良的特性,以及其在光电子领域巨大的应用潜力,必将推动光通信技术的飞速发展。目前光子晶体正处于深入研究和应用推广阶段,许多美好的设想成为现实,还有待对光子晶体进行大量的研究工作。光子晶体电路和装置的出现看起来只是时间问题。 ~9ynlVb7)r  
zimingmeng 2009-10-30 20:54
Luxtera http://www.luxtera.com/ /H~]5JZ3-E  
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Traditional electrical connectivity is a remarkably robust technology which has provided many generations of bandwidth for applications ranging from Local Areas Network (LAN) to chip-to-chip interconnect. However, as bandwidth requirements scale up to and beyond 10 gigabits per second per channel, electrical links become shorter in reach while consuming increasing power. Eventually at certain speeds, electrical connectivity becomes impractical. dj2w_:&W  
Photonics, the engineering of optical circuits, has been enormously successful at long distances, creating the basis for the telecom revolution. However, the high costs associated with photonics have prevented its mass-market adoption in shorter reach applications such as LANs. These costs are attributable to a combination of factors, most particularly the fact that photonic devices have traditionally been built using relatively exotic materials such as Indium Phosphide and Gallium Arsenide that are outside the manufacturing experience of the mainstream, silicon-centric semiconductor industry. )zAATBb4.  
Luxtera was formed in 2001 to take advantage of the fact that with production CMOS line widths in the vicinity of 100nm the CMOS process itself can be used to create an array of complex photonic devices. Luxtera’s CMOS Photonics™ devices are fully integrated with CMOS electronics and are also orders of magnitude smaller (and hence in many cases faster) than traditional photonic elements. )Nt'Z*K*  
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Because Luxtera leverages the extraordinary economies and infrastructures of CMOS in terms of software, processing, testing and packaging, it is the first company to build photonic solutions that is truly “fabless” in the sense that from the very beginning Luxtera’s chips have been fabricated in one of the world’s major fine-line width production CMOS processes. ap wA  
Luxtera’s product roadmap is focused on fulfilling the insatiable demand for bandwidth by directly integrating high speed fiber-optic network interfaces into standard CMOS chips. Luxtera’s products are designed scale up not just in their ability to move huge amounts of data from one chip to another (with virtually no regard to distance or bandwidth), but also to leverage Moore’s Law to build exponentially increasing amounts of data processing inside the network interface itself. XE($t2x,M  
Luxtera’s culture is focused on being the best in the world at everything we do. Caltech, one of the world’s eminent technical institutions, provided us with our initial base of intellectual property and serves as an ongoing R&D partner. Our venture capital is provided by some of the world’s most successful venture capital partnerships (Sevin Rosen Funds New Enterprise Associates, and August Capital). Our team includes accomplished business and technical leaders from a cross-section of the world’s major technology companies and academic institutions including: AMD, Caltech, Intel, JDSU, Lucent, Motorola, MIT, Nortel, Stanford and Tellabs. Last but not least, we’re located in one of the greatest places to live in the world, the southern California coast north of San Diego.
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