cyqdesign |
2009-09-24 10:23 |
CuteFTP Professional下载
CuteFTP Pro是一个全新的商业级FTP客户端程序,其加强的文件传输系统能够完全满足今天的商家们的应用需求。这里文件通过构建于SSL或SSH2安全认证的客户机/服务器系统进行传输,为VPN、WAN、Extranet开发管理人员提供最经济的解决方案! hXn3,3f3oZ 5,pSg - Corrected issue where auto refresh was not functioning after files or folders were transferred to the remote pane successfully. @
O>&5gB1u - Corrected issue where a user would use the silent installer and then fully register but the username would display incorrectly in the Help About. _q?<at}y - Corrected issue where CuteFTP was permanently changing a registry setting that allowed applications to steal focus from the current application. pFsc}R/0/8 - Corrected an issue in Windows Vista where image files were not being displayed in the remote or local panes under the thumbnail view. :q#K} / - Enhanced Turbo Mode to better handle transfers of small files. ]"~51HQZ - Corrected a problem with file list column sorting that was producing unsorted results. ~u87H? - Corrected problem where CuteFTP directory was being created as 8.1 instead of 8.0 on upgrade @kFu*" Q;u SWt<{ 点此下载:CuteFTP Professional k(%QIJH 7v7G[n