water-li |
2009-07-18 21:38 |
SPOTOPTICSS公司20余年的波前产品开发经验,成就业界首台2合一的激光光束完美分析仪器. cq:<,Ke 激光波前特性与光斑品质分析被完美的整合在一个仪器中 (K9pr>le 仪器特点: g~EN3~ q 从波前探测得出激光系统的波前偏差值,如斜度、像散、彗差等 ^{Wx\+*! q 通过对光斑光强分布的分析得到光斑品质的M2值 )aSj!X'`; q 光腰的测量、光腰的位置、光束发散角 cHo@F!{o= q 高斯轮廓的匹配图像 重建3D波前 :{sy2g/+ q 将参考波前图像与获得的激光波前图像对比,使用软件提供的诊断功能,可以给出光学元件调整的方位和位移,快速进行光学系统地对准,数小时的工作,只需要几分钟并从此摆脱靠猜测进行调整的工作方法。 i!0w? /g9 q 对激光元件,透镜、镜片测试的光学参数进行测试, mV!Ia-k q 借助专用的软件模块,可以检测温度对各种像差系数的影响。 LX f r q 根据消除了低阶像差的波阵面图形,检测并修正由于支撑光学元的加持具力度不均造成的误差 h,-2+} q 在生产环境中进行反馈闭环控制测试 :&Sv jJR 三个波段,, 可见光 0.4 umto 1.1ìumand 近红外 0.7 um to 1.8um中红外 8 umto 14um h0**[LDH Ao?y2 [sE Lentino 技术指标 V /i~IG`h/ oKyl2jg+, Feature Specification ,~8&0p ?{=&R o No of spots with standard camera 30 x 30 *<r\:g X%(1C,C( Maximum no. of spots (large camera) 100 x 100 B
]*v{?<W @S?`!=M Maximum diameter that can be tested 20 mm )<ig6b% !s^[|2D_U Repeatability of measurements of the Zernike polynomials λ/300 1fgO3N YQ? "~[mL Repeatability of wavefront measurements λ/200 +"} #4 <TN+-)H6 Accuracy About λ/10 EBQ,Ypv \B/!}Tn; Absolute precision Depends on the type of optical element. Typically λ/10 for spherical surfaces IKo,P$
PE ]?p 9)d=%< Tilt measurement accuracy (angle, depends on the size of optical element) 4祌ad ,zF^^,lO7 |)KOy~" Wavelength range 0.35 µ -1.1 µ ,"en7 gn-@OmIs Dynamic range of measurements by sub-pupil (tilt subtracted, depends from combination of aberrations) ~ ± 50 λ 3M^s
EaUI *ggai? Asphericity range About 15% variation in LSA (longitudinal spherical aberration) x)+ q$FB <@.!\ Acquisition speed (standard camera). Faster speeds available on request 4 Hz {!0f.nv i<\WRzVT Mounting option Can be mounted vertically or horizontally =Ju%3ptH0 '@6O3z_{ Mounting of optical elements Optical system to be tested easily mounted on central mounting slide .n\j<Kq Z\[6'R4.# Easy access to optical elements Access to the mounting plate of Lentino is from the front of the instrument