Plenary Session B2VUH..am
http://www.acp-ce.org/index.php?page=plenary-session &`{%0r[UD#
Eric Musser, Corning Inc. USA http://www.corning.com/cn/sc/index.aspx .hnGHX aHS.U^2 Leping Wei, China Telecom Corp. Ltd., China 3.
fIp5g Z3=t" Brian Wilson, Univ. of Toronto, Canada R/U"]Rc \3Ys8umKq Invited Speakers B$aboL2 http://www.acp-ce.org/index.php?page=invited-speakers I
91`~0L* W.{#Pg1Da Ust>%~< Scope and Topics 国际会议演讲范围: ^<7)w2ns SC1: Optical Fibers, Fiber Devices and Passive Components 光纤,光纤设备及无源光器件 'Q?nU^:F# SC2: Optoelectronic Material and Devices 光电材料和光电设备 ^!!@O91T SC3: Optical Transmission, Switching and Subsystems 光纤传输, 光开关和子系统 *[k7KG2_U SC4: Network Architectures, Management and Applications 光网络工程, 管理和应用 Cj,fP[p#7 SC5: Optical Sensors and Biophotonics 光传感器和生物光子学 "3W!p+W SC6: Display, Solid-State Lighting, Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics in Energy 光显示, 固态发光器件, 太阳能电池 I"y=A7Nq BB>3Kj:| VWaI!bK &K|<7Efx mS6L6)] S