Plenary Session ~qxc!k!w4
http://www.acp-ce.org/index.php?page=plenary-session Z)~4)71Y:
Eric Musser, Corning Inc. USA http://www.corning.com/cn/sc/index.aspx ^el:)$ EFO Q;q Leping Wei, China Telecom Corp. Ltd., China Y^f|}YO%y }RK9Onh3G Brian Wilson, Univ. of Toronto, Canada 3P>@ : zj4JWUM2 Invited Speakers >0$5H]1u http://www.acp-ce.org/index.php?page=invited-speakers LRgk9*@, 6P$q7G S)h1e%f,
f Scope and Topics 国际会议演讲范围: 1yf&ck1R SC1: Optical Fibers, Fiber Devices and Passive Components 光纤,光纤设备及无源光器件 SS- SC2: Optoelectronic Material and Devices 光电材料和光电设备 7MfvU|D[d/ SC3: Optical Transmission, Switching and Subsystems 光纤传输, 光开关和子系统 *()#*0 SC4: Network Architectures, Management and Applications 光网络工程, 管理和应用 W5 }zJ)x SC5: Optical Sensors and Biophotonics 光传感器和生物光子学 g9.hR8X SC6: Display, Solid-State Lighting, Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics in Energy 光显示, 固态发光器件, 太阳能电池 %M:"Ai5: ? 'nMZ 2|EoP-K7 yK;I<8+>_ CQ ?|=cN