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光行天下 -> CODE V,OSLO -> How to output resultant graph in text format [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

smilegirlt 2009-04-01 22:45

How to output resultant graph in text format

My system can't input simplified Chinese, thus I use English. 2-9'zN0u  
For most optical software (S/W), the calculation output can be either graphical or numerical.But, some calculations in OSLO only output graphs. Like ray interception plot and logitudional chromatic shift.I wonder to export the numerical results of those calculations. Then I can plot  by my favored graph S/W or comparing several calculation results. ~G!>2 +L  
Anyone knows how to do that?? +SGM3tY  
Thanks in advance. 72qbxPY13h  
BR. &y?L^Aq  
hopebox 2011-01-10 22:42
Just for an example, under analysis window you could select some options and once this is done the numerical values will be returned on the text window
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