rfhlaser |
2009-03-03 15:20 |
355nm 系列紫外激光器(0.3W~3W)
[attachment=16452] Expert 355 系列紫外激光器(0.3W~3W): cv b:FK \V#2K>< 主要特性:1 激光波长354.7nm, 重复频率覆盖范围宽(单脉冲至200kHz) X&[S.$_U 2 直注式双模优化控制技术(DIPMOC), 结构坚固紧凑。 oT4A|M 3 优越的光束质量(M2<1.3), 在所有频率范围内都严格保证. }T?0/N3y& 4 在线刷新谐波控制技术(ORHAC),超长时间的功率稳定性。 cVt
MCgx 5 全数字智能电源控制技术,可通过RS232外部控制激光器。 3+_
.I{ 6 工业化产品流程生产控制技术,产品质量稳定可靠。 "Z&-:1tP{9 93-UA.+g Main characteristics : )5}=^aqd 1. Laser wave length 354.7nm. The repetition frequency covers a wide range (single pulse to 200 kHz). Gyak?.@R 2. DIPMOC (Direct input pump mode optimization control) technology, robust structure. :)UF# 3. Superior beam quality (M2<1.2), absolutely assured in all repetition range. GnlP#; 4. ORHAC (Online refreshment for harmonic coupling) technology, long term power stability. J2$L[d^ 5. Whole process digital intelligent power control technology can control lasers by RS232 external control. KVVo_9S' 6. Industrial production process control technology provides quality stable products. Awo H d7M ?v-( :OF 性能参数: brA\Fp^ Parameters: Fq6sl}b(On ?mJNzHrq; 型号 p`jkyi MODEL EXPERT El;\#la 355-0.3-100 EXPERT W)dQyZ>J 355-0.5-100 EXPERT ,Jy@n]x 355-1-30 EXPERT v`"z
355-2-30 EXPERT Q`"gKBN1 355-3-30 HJVi:;o
平均输出功率1 (j^Qa~{mG4 (Average power) 0.3W 0.5W 1W 2W 3W #,0PLU3% 脉冲宽度1 hjVct
r (Pulse width) <80ns@100kHz zI5#'<n 脉冲重复频率 Z*EK56.b (Pulse repetition rate) 10-200 kHz QxRT%;'Zh] 激光输出模式 @l)HX'z0d (Transverse mode) TEMoo mXd,{b' 光束质量 qB57w:J (Beam quality factor M2) <1.3 =IQ+9Fl2 光斑直径 poZ04Uxo> (Beam diameter3) 2.0+/-0.2mm Lo^0VD!O 光束发散角 Yv?nw-HM (Beam full divergence) <0.4Mrad 'c[[H3s!; 光斑椭圆度 nRYHp7` (Beam circularity) >0.9 >h^CC*&'pw 脉冲稳定性 &Kuo|=f (Pulse-pulse stability) <3%RMS !_Z\K$Ns 功率稳定性 D#ZzhHHP (Average Power stability) <5% RMS/8hr _MF:?p,l 光束指向稳定性2 (Beam pointing stability) <25Urad/C ,(H`E?m1w4 偏振度 !^{0vFWE (Polarization ratio) >100:1 W(h].'N 偏振方向
UF3g]>* (Polarization Orientation) Horizontal 00Tm]mMQX 使用寿命 fqoI(/RWP (Warranty lifetime) 10,000 小时/(18个月) &cnciEw1 Whichever comes first ldd|"[Ds 1. 激光功率和其它特性可优化在不同的重复频率范围. Laser power and other characteristics can be optimized in different repetition rates. C-i9F%.. 2. 在距激光输出窗口1米处测量。Measured at the spot 1 meter to the laser output window. i3bH^WwE&k 3. 所指温度为环境温度. The temperature refers to environment temperature. ]ow$VF{y 42* y27Dtm