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光行天下 -> ZEMAX,OpticStudio -> zemax中快捷键的使用 [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

ping 2006-02-10 11:51


今天无意中触动键盘,zemax的3D视图就发生了一个旋转,觉得还挺方便的,不过现在 p$5+^x'(  
不知道哪个快捷键可以旋转了,平时很少使用快捷键,在电脑操作中许多男孩子都很喜 ^r7-|  
cyqdesign 2006-02-11 20:20
ping 2006-02-13 09:34
moonljy 2006-03-07 17:58
    ZEMAX shortcuts ;plzJ6>  
%#.H FK  
Ctrl + Tab, Moves the input focus from window to window. 31n5n  
Ctrl + letter, Shortcut for many ZEMAX tools and functions. For example,, Ctrl-L invokes the 2D layout plot. All the keyboard shortcuts are listed alongside the menu items. u0md ^  
F1..F10, Function keys are also used as shortcuts for many functions. All the keyboard shortcuts are listed alongside the menu items. *N0R3da  
Backspace, When an editor window has the input focus,, the highlighted cell can be edited using the backspace key. Once the backspace key is pressed,, the mouse and left-right cursors can be used for editing. P8JN m"C  
Left double click, If the mouse is positioned over any graphic or text window,, double clicking will cause the window contents to be recalculated and redrawn. This is the same as selecting Options,, Update. For editor windows,, invokes the solves dialog box. ;)^eDJ<  
Right click, If the mouse is positioned over any graphic or text window,, right clicking will invoke the settings box for that window. This is the same as selecting Options,, Settings. For editor windows,, invokes the solves dialog box. ~$0Qvyb>  
Tab, Moves to the next cell in the editor windows,, or the next field in the dialog boxes. EH'?wh|Yp  
Shift + Tab, Moves to the previous cell in the editor windows,, or the previous field in the dialog boxes. X^PR];V:$  
Home/End, Moves to the top left/bottom left of the current editor,, or the top and bottom of the text window. !cs +tm3  
Ctrl + Home/End, Moves to the top right/bottom right of the current editor. iB Ld*B|#K  
Page Up/Down, Moves up or down one screen at a time. QES[/i +  
Ctrl + Page Up/Down, Moves to the top/bottom of the current column.
小于 2006-03-30 15:27
zhglong 2006-04-23 20:53
llk03007 2006-04-26 13:30
meichun 2006-04-30 17:29
dmao 2006-05-01 10:24
不怎么用 iHo2=Cz  
可能是用的不多吧 t)74(  
nuvenphy 2006-05-02 22:51
fengqing 2012-11-22 15:17
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