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jwr_sp 2008-12-03 18:40

求帮忙下载一本书《Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing 》

【原书作者】: By Andrew D. Yablon rg5]&<Vq8  
【译者】:暂无 pm US F #u  
【ISBN 】:3540231048, 9783540231042 |NrrTN?>  
【页数 】:306 pages u@=?#a$$  
【开本 】 :不详 9`"DFFSMS  
【出版社】 :Published by Springer +a|/l  
【出版日期】:2005 7>i2OBkAhB  
【文件格式】:PDF W f@t4(i  
【封面附图】: ~p*1:ij  
【摘要或目录】:   !@g)10u  
This book is an up-to-date treatment of optical fiber fusion splicing incorporating all the recent innovations in the field. It provides a toolbox of general strategies and specific techniques that the reader can apply when optimizing fusion splices between novel fibers. It specifically addresses considerations important for fusion splicing of contemporary specialty fibers including dispersion compensating fiber, erbium-doped gain fiber, polarization maintaining fiber, and microstructured fiber. Finally, it discusses the future of optical fiber fusion splicing including silica and non-silica based optical fibers as well as the trend toward increasing automation. Whilst serving as a self-contained reference work, abundant citations from the technical literature will enable readers to readily locate primary sources 5HlWfD  
在下面的连接可以下载得到,但我没有权限。 x*}bo))hb  
那位版主能否帮忙下载,愿出光币购买或用其他资料交换。非常感谢!! lKKERO5+  
cyqdesign 2008-12-03 19:13
jwr_sp 2008-12-03 19:42
还是下不了,请问下载那个网站上的东西是不是一定要先注册的? "0&N}  
cyqdesign 2008-12-03 19:46
引用第2楼jwr_sp于2008-12-03 19:42发表的  : ^_>!B)  
还是下不了,请问下载那个网站上的东西是不是一定要先注册的? AQ{zx1^2>K  
z4 M1D9iPY  
那个网站设置了文件相同IP地址只能下载一次,更换一下IP,并清理一下IE的cookie。 RL}KAGK  
jwr_sp 2008-12-03 21:16
cyqdesign 2008-12-03 21:24
wuwendi 2011-11-17 09:23
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