oplenic |
2008-11-14 15:58 |
[attachment=15207] Host Interface: USB 2.0 N}b^fTq CCD: SONY ILX554 7?J3ci\ Number of Pixels: 2048 S8" f]5s Pixel Size (micron): 14*56 ~~nqU pK?v Spectral range: 200nm-1000nm ZyI$M 3{J Pixel Output Clock: 0.5 MHz
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6 ADC resolution: 16 bits on board, 12 bits to PC ?mx\eX{ Exposure Time Range: 10us-6,500ms #G#g|x*V Frame Rate: Frame Rate is dependent on exposure time 5Fbs
WW2 http://www.oplenic.com/CH/products-view.asp?id=100 B+] D5K