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2008-10-27 15:59 |
在用Matlab绘制各种常用概率分布的密度函数时,都比较简单,唯独超几何分布试了几次都不成功,输出结果总是 S5a<L_ oa !P]r ans = ZUW>{'[K A'(F%0NF6 NaN 1u+(rVQN Z@/5~p 查看了一下帮助 help hygepdf S9oGf D~&e.y/gHN HYGEPDF Hypergeometric probability density function. ACltV"dB^ >{Z=cv/6o Y = HYGEPDF(X,M,K,N) returns the hypergeometric probability 9'h^59 density function at X with integer parameters M, K, and N. KZfRiCZ Note: The density function is zero unless X is an integer. jloyJ@ck ~"Ki2'j)^] The size of Y is the common size of the input arguments. A scalar input n5>N9lc functions as a constant matrix of the same size as the other inputs. Uk\U*\. >;W(Jb7e See also hygecdf, hygeinv, hygernd, hygestat, pdf. ]t;5kj/ ^0-=(JrC Reference page in Help browser eCd?.e0@j doc hygepdf rtE,SN I0RWdOK8K 超几何分布参数较多,这里关于三个参数的指代不详。又在互联网上查了相关资料,包括该函数的定义式: LWV`xCr8R nTKfwIeg5 http://ccpublic-1.central.cranfield.ac.uk/2001DMSOMFRC/pr062320/Matlab/stats/hygepdf.m a"aV&t w,9F riW 直到发现这个例子后才清楚各个参数所代表的具体意义。 j3&*wU_ pj]<i.p Suppose you have a lot of 100 floppy disks and you know that 20 of them are defective. What is the probability of drawing 0 through 5 defective floppy disks if you select 10 at random? !F)oX7" lej{VcG p = hygepdf(0:5,100,20,10) hhhO+D1( 'DQyB`V2y p = 0.0951 0.2679 0.3182 0.2092 0.0841 0.0215 #mYxO BUyA] 详细可参见: m.1BLN[9 http://www.physnet.uni-hamburg.de/physnet/matlab/help/toolbox/stats/hygepdf.html#4257 U2$T}/@ '%N)(S`O7P 果然与一般对超几何分布公式字母惯常表示方式有所不同。尝试将上述分布作图如下 R0}% kM`#U
*j x = 0:5 !&[4T#c p = hygepdf(x,100,20,10); ,qB081hPG plot(x,p,':k*')