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光行天下 -> TracePro -> 请教led芯片结构模拟设计方面的问题 [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

scale 2008-10-22 19:02


lightgirl 2008-10-24 10:03
算光效率 ,可以尝试使用归一化啊。 Td >k \<  
System Transmittance ;Z_C3/b  
Suppose you need to calculate the system transmittance of an optical system. c" 7pf T  
You would probably use the grid raytrace option, and the emitted flux is equal to $(R) =4  
the sum of the flux in all the emitted rays. When you display an irradiance map, ,')bO*N g  
the system transmittance is equal to the total flux, displayed at the bottom of the 8TPm[r]  
irradiance map window, divided by the emitted flux. To get the system ^-!HbbVv  
transmittance, check the Normalize to emitted flux box and press the Apply ^!qmlx*  
button. The map will be redisplayed, and the Normalized Flux value will be equal ]t3"0  
to the system transmittance.
yyw314 2008-10-24 11:52
zsszjh666 2008-10-29 11:16
songfreda 2010-03-16 11:27
2012龙儿 2013-04-10 14:16
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