cyqdesign |
2008-09-24 15:54 |
ASAP2008 V2R1版本新功能介绍
光学仿真分析软件ASAP2008 V2R1新版本已经发布,下面是新增加的功能介绍。 -bP_jIZF;g ).$q9G 1、用户自定义补偿函数可用于优化功能: 'kb|! Penalty Functions - Building upon new optimization methods available in ASAP, user-defined penalty functions have been added to help guide optimization routines toward ideal solutions. xJ rKH <|=^[' vi 2、加强偏振光分析功能: "3;b,<0 Polarization Enhancements- Realistic Retarder Models have been added to complement Realistic ^'G,sZ6'Nh Polarizer Models, and FRESNEL TIR is now compatible with the new polarization models.
}K.2 o%SD\zk 3、庞加莱球视图功能增强: AZH=r S` Poincaré Sphere Enhancements - Clicking on multiple points within the Poincaré Sphere Visualization Tool now highlights the points for improved visibility,and interrogation of polarization states. umuE5MKY< dX;Q\
]" 4、粗糙模型和散射模型增加: MszX9wl Roughness and Scatter Models - The ASAP Quick Start Toolbar now includes a larger set of roughness and scatter models that are grouped by manufacturer where appropriate. Users may drag-and-drop these models into their systems. WKvG|YRDq !;, Dlq-} 5、加强IGES导入功能: PdD,~N# IGES Import Enhancements - ASAP will now automatically detect and interactively manage duplicate geometry during the IGES import process, and an even wider range of CAD geometries may be imported. =}K"@5J 7x''V5*j 6、3D视图功能增强: f&2f8@ 3D Viewer Enhancements - ASAP is now able to more efficiently prepare system geometry for visualization in the 3D Viewer. Large systems may now be displayed up to twice as fast. These and other features enable ASAP users in 35 countries to model and analyze the finest details of optical systems, which means users can depend on their simulations to mirror real-world performance. ASAP analyses validate designs and support smooth transitions to manufacturing.