sommer |
2008-09-18 20:23 |
[attachment=14187] Q)/q h;Ru 我是个菜鸟, 现在准备用一个软件做激光焊接中镜面和透镜组的仿真, 如上图. h9mR+ng*oD 由于OSLO有免费版本, 而且doc 比其他免费软件多, 所以决定用OSLO fyeS) 但不知道OSLO 能否做到要求啊? kp|reKM/ 网上查到oslo介绍中有以下几点 -1:asM7 %K4-V5f What could be designed by OSLO? C}Q2UK-: •Standard geometrical optical lens system &R]G)f#w%* •Standard reflected system @2<J_Ja •Aspherical lens system jEadVM9 •Non-sequential lens array system hkY E7 •Diffraction optical element ,??|R`S @\a- = The limitation of OSLO: <|@9]>z It could not simulate physical optics. @{G(.S It could not do stray-light analysis of a system. rm7UFMCR6i It could not simulate complex light sources. w~`P\i@ ZJqmD 尤其是 " It could not simulate physical optics" 这句, 意思是说不能做镜面和透镜组的仿真么? 还是指什么? nHX@ 希望用过的大侠指点一下. >4c 1VEi 谢谢