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cyqdesign 2008-06-14 20:32

卡巴斯基救援盘Kaspersky Rescue Disk 20080611版下载

以一种安全的方式清除病毒而又没有被感染的风险,只需从 Kaspersky Rescue Disk 启动系统,即可对电脑进行扫描并清除发现的威胁。 8bTn^!1  
只要下载这个ISO刻成盘启动系统即可,它还支持SCSI设备。 R/~p>apg8  
Kaspersky Rescue Disk description epA:v|S  
Z;h t  
A safe way to remove viruses from a computer without the risk of getting infected 0IsPIi"7  
Boot from the Kaspersky Rescue Disk to scan and remove threats from an infected computer without the risk of infecting other files or computers. %f&/E"M  
Burn this ISO image to a CD, insert it into the infected system's CD-ROM drive, enter the PC's BIOS, set it to boot from the CD and reboot the computer. U$O\f18  
This lists the Gentoo-specific options, along with a few options that are built-in to the kernel, but that have been proven very useful to our users. C.WX.Je  
Also, all options that start with "do" have a "no" inverse, that does the opposite. For example, "doscsi" enables SCSI support in the initial ramdisk boot, while "noscsi" disables it. MU`1LHg  
macofyou 2009-08-25 11:25
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