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2008-04-07 14:26 |
《FRED 快速学习手册》-书籍目录
《FRED 快速学习手册》-书籍目录 EXg\a#4[' ; )O)\__"- 1 马克苏托夫望远镜系统设计(Maksutov Telescope Example) za'Eom-<u h{S';/=8 本章节将介绍FRED软件和熟悉操作接口 9u lJZ\cQ [[QrGJr l The goal of this example is to make the user familiar with FRED’s interface R>Fie5? a_m P$4T 1.1 使用透镜和面镜Using lenses and mirrors F'W{\4 s2iR }< 1.2 定义使用者的对象Defining custom elements qr$=oCqa BV$lMLD{r 1.3 在不同的坐标系定义组件的位置Specifying the location of elements in different coordinate systems m>$+sMZE KP[ax2!x 1.4 简单光源的设定Setting up a simple source s"p}>BjMIC
|X`xJL 1.5 光线追迹Raytracing {QTfD~z^K CN\SxK`, 1.6 光斑图的模拟结果Calculating a spot diagram s%>>E!Qi_ ]|( (&Y
rl 2 反射罩与积分柱应用(Reflector and Integrator Example) b{s_cOr/ MFaK=1 本章节将指导如何操作FRED及利用线段建立光学组件 .t4IR
=Z B%Dy;zdWd/ l The goal of this example is to make the user familiar with FRED’s interface as well as introduce curve-based geometry U2=5Nt5 *Eu
ca~%= 2.1 定义自定对象Defining custom elements bQow,vf &4sUi K" 2.2 建立线段,并利用此线段制作一个3D的光学积分柱Defining curves that get extruded to create a 3D structure `UMv#-Y8 (EIdw\ 2.3 建立光源Setting up a volume emitter source c~b[_J) ~d^+yR- 2.4 修改追迹时光线显示颜色Changing ray color during raytrace WZ'8{XY8 p@/!+$^{ 2.5 建立多个分析面Multiple analysis surfaces ^.&uYF&
FAJ\9 2.6 光照度及光强度分析Calculating irradiance and intensity distributions n>)CCf@H R8F[
7&( 2.7 光线路径分析Ray path calculations ]T}G - '0 GCaL*Sd 3 干涉模拟(Interferometer Example) mQtGE[ ;hJTJMA6/6 本章节课程将会指导使用者如何利用FRED进行同调光源设定及观察光干涉效应。 2)h
i( BhLYLlXPY l The goal of this example is to introduce coherent calculations in FRED nV,qC.z oqB(l[%z2 3.1 定义棱镜Defining prisms )t9<cJ= 'W3>lAPx! 3.2 定义镀膜特性Defining coatings *oL?R2#7 m,,-rC 3.3 定义组合件Defining subassemblies $GNN*WmHw y/h~oGxy 3.4 使用off-the-shelf 对象Using “off-the-shelf” components z*>"I Ovv~ymj 3.5 设定同调光源Setting up a coherent source e3"GC_*# 1T!b#x4 3.6 照度图Calculating irradiance distributions Jm0P~E[n QUVwO
m 3.7 强度图显示设定Irradiance display options c^><^LGb Mg W0
). 3.8 在三维实体显示窗口贴上照度图Attaching irradiance calculations to 3d rendering view !fZ\GOx U8-#W(tRR 3.9 数据汇出到档案Writing data to output file Dz:A.x@$* CO%7^}xSE, 4 孔径及削切的应用 K>l$Y#x}k w&hgJ 本章节将会只由简入深让使用者学会操作,Aperture的功能使用 7/a[;`i*! __teh>MC l The goal of this example is to demonstrate simple and complex apertures in FRED ?>cx;"xF m.pB]yq& 4.1 孔径的数值修改Trimming volumes as apertures KPSFy< >0DQ<@ot: 4.2 表面利用削切功能变化Trimming surfaces J:Ea|tXK^ 0f&B;?)! 4.3 “And”及 “OR”等布尔代数指令建立复合式的孔径“And”ing and “OR”ing operations to make complex apertures /17Qhex E^rKS&P 4.4 线段与表面的削切功能的结合应用Trimming (collection) curves :f
G5?]) #( F/P!qk 4.5 使用线段进行削切去建立三维的光学结构Extruding trimming curve to create 3D structure @X+m,u
]W~\%`#8? 5 进阶光学结构设计实例(Custom Elements Example) 0_q8t!<xJw :m]~o3KRy 本章节将指导大家自定对象的各种进阶功能的使用与操作 p:Ry F4{b2 1"YN{Ut;G l The goal of this example is to demonstrate the use of custom elements {^=T&aCYdS kd)Q$RA( 5.1 将透镜模型的表面修改,成为变化性更高的表现方式 Replacing the surface of a lens with a more complex surface type 1K?RA*aj g>-pC a 5.2 将透镜对象形式转化为自定对象形式Converting a lens element into a custom element 0^$L{V H )hO/1m 5.3 如何将透镜转化为曼金镜Converting a lens into a Mangin mirror g = ~Y\$& \(2w/~ 5.4 定义多层镀膜教学 Defining multilayer #%N v\g; `)%z k W 5.5 理想化表面镀膜及多层镀膜的差异Difference between idealized coating and thin film coating
%c"PMTq( ?g^42IYG 5.6 利用二个方立方体透镜建立分光棱镜实例Using a cube beamsplitter as a generic block of glass n75)%-
|a4cER.'2^ 5.7 在二个立方体间建立胶合参数教学Gluing two blocks of glass together iGB1f*K%x *o.f<OwOz 5.8 受抑内全反射Frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR) V[ju7\>$Z d-c<dS+R 6 准直雷射平台设计(Laser Diode Collimator Example) Wip@MGtJ ?lq 本课程将指导如何建立准直雷射平台 yJQ>u 2t 6m# l The goal of this example is to demonstrate complex setup techniques )Tjh
fh_+M"Y0` 6.1 由镜头设计软件的档案汇入镜头档案数据Importing lenses from lens design programs Lh%z2 5t }py)EI,U 6.2 建立一个具有发散角度的雷射光源Using astigmatic laser diode models Ha~F&H|"O K&ZN!VN/p 6.3 复制组合件Copying subassemblies j5m KJC +7\$wc_1I@ 6.4 建立偏极化分光镜Defining a polarization beamsplitter -p.c8B )U12Rshl 6.5 定义光学石英材质参数Defining an optically active material -Vg(aD }`KK 6.6 建立半波片Constructing a halfwave plate F<.oTP-B YTpiOPf 6.7 计算光学场Calculating the optical field )5T82=[h< {uUV(FzF6 7 图片离散取点功能教学(Digitizing) .3
>"qv pwvzs`[; 本课程的将介绍FRED的各个功能如何应用digitizing 操作及应用 F>Pr`T?> 37apOK4+ l The goal of this example is to demonstrate digitizing data plots and drawings in FRED "s-3226kj H9;0$Y(e- 7.1 利用图片离散取点来建立穿透/反射的 coating 参数Digitizing coating transmission/reflection plots {zX]41T /H4Z.|@ 7.2 利用图片离散取点快速建立三维模型Digitizing drawings c wNJ{S+ Q,nJz*AJ 7.3 利用图片离散取点快速建立多波长光源Digitizing spectral weighting for a source wZ4w`|' i<0_sxfUD 7.4 利用图片离散取点建立随波长变化对应不同折射率的材质特性参数Digitizing refractive indices 'oKen!?A D:] QBA)C 8 3件组透镜设计案例(Triplet Example) Su/8P[q_ n6AA%? 5 本课程将利用三件式透镜组为主题,为大家介绍FRED如何模拟现实状况下的各种分析方式 ?f}?I`S, s&hJ[$i l The goal of this example is to demonstrate various aspects of “real world” analyses 8Y4mTW R
~b@ 8.1 如何由透镜设计软件汇入透镜模块Importing lenses from lens design programs M"Dv-#f s$% t2UaV 8.2 在FRED中建立多波长光源Setting multiple polychromatic sources !"2S'oQKS Ff{,zfN+3 8.3 如何建立序列式描光路径进行近轴分析Using sequential paths in paraxial analyses *\.8*6*$! )J*M{Gm 6i 8.4 同时在多个表面加入材质参数或表面膜层参数Defining multilayer coatings AH{#RD '-U&S 8.5 鬼影分析计算Performing ghost calculations "uli~ {IU g,9&@g/ 8.6 分离鬼影光线做独立光线追迹Isolating specific ghost using ray paths ">._&8KkE0 q9:g 8.7 鬼影光照度分析Ghost irradiance analyses Nq9\ 2p jme`Tyd 8.8 使用序列式描光来减少光线追迹时间Using sequential raytracing to speed up calculation VV;%q3}: Q,K$)bM 9 扫瞄器范例(Scanner Example) 7fI2b,~ @Jx1n Q^ 本课程将利用扫瞄器为主题,为大家介绍FRED如何模拟现实状况下的各种分析方式 +4$][3. FsO_|r l The goal of this example is to demonstrate various aspects of “real world” analyses WBD?|Ss f8
BZk h 9.1 由其它的FRED档案,复制对象来使用Copying from one FRED document to another v,C~5J3h) Sn
S$5o 9.2 发光二极管模块的建立Working with an LED model o%bf7)~s tr5j<O 9.3 菲涅尔透镜建立流程Creating a Fresnel lens Jd^Lnp6? HfZ ^ED"} 9.4 图片离散取点方式快速建立LED灯罩Digitizing drawings/blueprints c]h@<wnv ]5K+W 9.5 表面散射参数设定Surface scatter
1fvN[ =A!rZG 9.6 计算镜头上的感光组件的对数化通量显示Calculating flux levels at CCD ]#Cc7wa
Uks%Mo9on 42~.N=2 如需预购,请于以下网站下载订购单: 5 w(nttYH s`ZP2"`f