cyqdesign |
2008-03-16 23:03 |
Classical optics and it's Applications(经典光学及其应用)推荐
2008年3月16日推荐书籍:Classical optics and it's Applications(经典光学及其应用),有兴趣的朋友可以买来看看。 T7^?j :kJ/ 7$v_#ZE.H 市场价:¥110.00 K@vU_x0Sl 卓越价:¥96.60 为您节省:13.40元 (88折) \cdns;
:eH\9$F`x; [attachment=11269] nwVW'M]r NpxgF<G 出版社:世界图书出版公司 I9<%fv 页码:502 pages E"7[|-`e6 ISBN:7506259400 pV`/6
} 条码:9787506259408 ovZ!} 版次:2003年6月第1版 V0G[f}tm' 装帧:平装 8H,k0~D 开本:24开 qJJ},4} 价格:110.0元 A@eR~Kp
^ + (Jh$b_ 作者:(美)(M.Mansuripur) y@<&A~Cl^ #itZ~tol Preface LKA/s ~G Introduction -56gg^Pnr 1 Abbe's sine condition C%|m[,Gx 2 Fourier optics m%b#B>J,n 3 Effect of polarization on diffraction in systems of high numerical aperture p*U!94Pb 4 Gaussian beam optics ^I{/j'b& 5 Coherent and incoherent imaging A6
Rw LX 6 First-order temporal coherence in classical optics ]_`ICS 7 The van Cittert-Zernike theorem Hp*N% 8 Partial polarization,Stokes parameters,and the Poincare sphere z3{Cp:Mn 9 What in the world are surface plasmons? <O.|pJus 10 The Faraday effect g""Ep 11 The magneto-optical Kerr effect L#S|2L_hC 12 Fabry-Perot etalons in polarized light /iL*) 13 The Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem \}!/z]u 14 Reciprocity in classical linear optics 6`X}Z'4.Ox 15 Linear optical vortices {B4.G8%Z 16 Geometric-optical rays,Poynting‘s vector,and the field momenta L4ZB0PmN' 17 Diffraction gratings $&&+2?cx0 18 The Talbot effect D=SjCmG 19 Some quirks of total internal reflection K)^8 :nt 20 Evanescent coupling & | |