cyqdesign |
2008-03-16 23:03 |
Classical optics and it's Applications(经典光学及其应用)推荐
2008年3月16日推荐书籍:Classical optics and it's Applications(经典光学及其应用),有兴趣的朋友可以买来看看。 ^.iRU'{ k<Gmb~Tg1 市场价:¥110.00 .=Oww 卓越价:¥96.60 为您节省:13.40元 (88折) {[tmz;C HVoPJ!K3 [attachment=11269] w^
z ftm H=,>-eVv* 出版社:世界图书出版公司 B>:U 页码:502 pages <(@S;?ZEW ISBN:7506259400 au+Jz_$) 条码:9787506259408 0Zwx3[bq6K 版次:2003年6月第1版 /eH37H 装帧:平装 G .<0^q, 开本:24开 ,(Zxd4?y 价格:110.0元 =|aZNHqH ()Kaxcs?+ 作者:(美)(M.Mansuripur) VFZ?<m ,LxZbo! Preface 8g!79q\c4 Introduction LH_H
yP_ 1 Abbe's sine condition IMbF]6%p( 2 Fourier optics '}(>s%~ 3 Effect of polarization on diffraction in systems of high numerical aperture R|(X_A 4 Gaussian beam optics aV|VC$ 5 Coherent and incoherent imaging OYt_i'Q 6 First-order temporal coherence in classical optics fXWE4^jU 7 The van Cittert-Zernike theorem n.8870.BW 8 Partial polarization,Stokes parameters,and the Poincare sphere {
"Cu)AFy 9 What in the world are surface plasmons? #~/9cVm$ 10 The Faraday effect As>Og 11 The magneto-optical Kerr effect kP[fhOpn 12 Fabry-Perot etalons in polarized light %i3[x.M 13 The Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem DoFe:+_U3 14 Reciprocity in classical linear optics HP_h!pvx 15 Linear optical vortices +`gU{e,p 16 Geometric-optical rays,Poynting‘s vector,and the field momenta 9y&;6V.' 17 Diffraction gratings
0n6eWwY 18 The Talbot effect Q njK<}M9 19 Some quirks of total internal reflection ^j${#Q 20 Evanescent coupling ibZ[U p? 21 Internal and external conical refraction WO9vOS> 22 The method of Fox and Li AN:s%w2 23 The beam propagation method UW8yu.`? 24 Michelson's stellar interferometer =dHdq D 25 Bracewell's interferometric telescope cq?,v?m 26 Scanning optical microscopy 2>^(&95M 27 Zernike's method of phase contrast C}<e3BXc 28 Polarization microscopy dl8f]y#Q 29 Nomarski's differential interference contrast microscope ?'a>?al%> 30 The van Leeuwenhoek microscope F%$ q]J[ 31 Projection photolithography qS! Lt3+ 32 The Ronchic test /KC^x=Xv: 33 The Shack-Hartmann wave front sensor Mx6
yk, 34 Ellipsometry klAlS% 35 Holography and holographic interferometry qonStIP 36 Self-focusing in nonlinear optical media o:ow"cOEf 37 Laser heating of multilayer stacks FIfLDT+ Wh Index LlgFQfu8 >gL&a#<S 市场价:¥110.00 /~WBqcl 卓越价:¥96.60 为您节省:13.40元 (88折) --"5yGOL