starblue |
2008-02-25 16:33 |
供应Agilent 81689A 1525~1575nm可调光源模块
0f"9wPC Agilent/HP 816189A 1525~1575nm可调光源模块
RXo!K iQO bLSZZfq |s<IZ2z]}R 81689A 可调光源模块出售 *OoM[wEY 81689A 可调范围:1525 nm to 1575 nm gG^A6Ol%D Starblue Corporation USA shenzhen Branch d<x7* OW) 周先生 0755-26714896 13682680312 8xAxn+; 我公司特价供应81689A 可调光源模块, 成色不错,质量可靠,价格适中,欢迎前来洽谈选购. r8]y1
Om< 81689A Tunable Light Source Module `,-w+3?Al Description: uv&??F]/ This module features: 0[/GEY@ Continuous sweep through full wavelength range Ib8*rL0p<L Mode-hop free tuning over full wavelength range A>C&`A=- 2hD(zUSy This module has the following specifications: 8mrB_B5 Wavelength Range: 1525 nm to 1575 nm )sONfn Max. Output Power: 6dBm :>y?B!= Wavelength Accuracy (abs.): ±0.3nm P@LFX[HtM Wavelength repeatability (typ.): ±0.05pm 7yUtG^'b Signal to Source Spontaneous Emission Ratio: ³ 39dB/nm (full wavelength range) Bf)}g4nYn Operates in the C-band eootHK !06
!`LT Option 021 = Stranded Single Mode Fiber & Straight Contact &oU) ,H [i"6\p& Since this module is tunable and has continuous output power, it can be used to test optical amplifiers, DWDM components, and complete DWDM systems. %3Ba9Nmid @ )bCh(u This card is compatible with the 8166A B Multichannel System, the 8164A B Lightwave Measurement System, and the 8163A B Multimeter.