21cioe |
2007-12-05 16:05 |
享誉全球光电业界的专业展览—中国国际光电博览会(中国光博会,CIOE)将在2008年9月迎来第十届的隆重大典,这将是CIOE十年辉煌发展历程的重要里程碑和最高检阅。 C%ZSsp
u U8]BhJr$Q 第十届中国国际光电博览会将于2008年9月在深圳会展中心举行,65000平方米的超大展览规模将汇聚当今世界光电产业最先进的技术和产品。“光通信、传感及激光红外展区”、“光学及机器视觉展区”、“光显示及LED与太阳能光伏展区”全面扩充了光电领域的产品和技术范围,将更加充分地增强光电产业链上的全线交流与贸易合作。 :dML+R#Ymh ][[\!og 2007年3月中国国际光电博览会与德国BMC商务传媒集团正式达成合作协议,并组建深圳贺戎美沙展览有限公司全权运作中国国际光电博览会。2008年的CIOE十届大典是中国光博会引入国际合作力量共同办展的第一年,也是光博会十年历程的全面总结。BMC集团在2007年8月即启动了2008年第十届中国国际光电博览会(CIOE2008)的全球宣传和招商计划,在日本、美国、韩国、埃及、俄罗斯、德国均设立了CIOE全球招商合作机构,代理光博会在除中国外的亚洲、欧洲、美洲等地区的宣传和招商、论坛演讲、技术推荐及贸易交流等工作。 {sR|W:fS$ hAvX{] 以“名副其实的国际化专业大展”为目标的2008年第十届中国国际光电博览会,除预计国际展商和观众将大幅增长外,他们带来的产品、技术与理念将更加广泛地与国内光电企业做纵深交流。而主承办单位的办展流程及各项服务也将更加符合国际专业展会的要求,向世界光电同仁全面展示“中国光电第一展”的强大魅力与风采。 [CAV"u)0 %AV[vr, 第十届中国国际光电博览会现已开始接受报名,欢迎各位光电业界同仁来电、来函咨询联络并届时光临现场参观指导。 T/YvCbo rE5q
BEh The China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE) will celebrate its 10th anniversary in September 2008. This important moment will be regarded as a significant milestone in the development of the CIOE. "l7))>lL The 10th CIOE will be held in the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center from September 6th to 9th, 2008. More than 2,000 exhibitors are expected to present the most advanced optoelectronic technologies and products in the fields of optical communication, laser & infrared applications, optics, machine vision, optical displays, LED, solar energy and photovoltaic applications on 65,000 sqm. 92pl#Igt In March, 2007, CIOE established a formal cooperation with Business Media China AG (BMC) to organise the CIOE in a new joint venture company - Shenzhen BMC Herong Exhibition Co., Ltd. BMC will strengthen relationships with organisations, associations, institutes and enterprises in Canada, France, Japan, America, Korea, Russia and Germany. These partners will help to promote the CIOE in Asia, Europe and North America. =AVr<kP The 10th CIOE clearly aims at internationalising the event. The number of international exhibitors and visitors is expected to increase dramatically. At the same time, these international exhibitors will bring in more advanced optoelectronic products, technologies, and concepts. Furthermore, the organiser will implement pre-, post-show and on-site services for exhibitors and visitors in order to lead the CIOE to international exhibition standards. 47
|&(,{ The organizer sincerely welcomes you and your company to participate at the 10th China International Optoelectronic Exposition and looks forward to answering any enquiries. 7eP3pg# 0'nY 相关咨询请联络/For any enquiry, please contact: H]a@"gO 中国国际光电博览会/China International Optoelectronic Exposition Uoqt 蒋 鹏 Peter Jiang =L F9im Tel:+86-755-86290921 86290901 :dM
eNM- Fax:+86-755-86290951 >"%}x{| Mobile:+86-13316816775 j%TcW!D-_ E-mail:cioe@vip.163.com peter@cioe.cn >6\rhx> MSN:szcioe@msn.com cfrvx^,2& QQ:115781669