wtp53 |
2007-11-15 02:08 |
急于查找一篇文献的全文,高手们帮帮忙啊。 +vH#xc\' 题目:Solid-immersion imaging of a silicon flip-chip with a resolution of 325 nm using the optical-beam induced current method '"XVe+.O 作者:Ramsay, E.; Pleynet, N.; Xiao, D.; Warburton, R.J.; Reid, D.T. 9ei<ou_s 期刊:Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2005. (CLEO). Conference on
'SXLnoeTa Volume 1, Issue , 22-27 May 2005 Page(s): 663 - 665 Vol. 1 VU6+"2+'2 谢了先。