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marry 2007-10-12 10:07


供应进口CVD ZnSe 材料及镀膜材料,质量可靠,价格优惠,深受国内外客户的好评。量大有优惠。电话:0574-87166171 邮箱:b278@163.com 公司网站:www.cnnbhj.com 联系人:周先生 CD%Cb53  
We have been supplied imported CVD ZnSe raw material as well as coating material for ages, with fine quality and reasonable price, the company has been favored by a great deal of customers from both home and aboard. Moreover, if you are a huge customer, you can enjoy even more discounts. )@P*F) g~  
Email: yingyu220@yahoo.com.cn kdp^{zW}  
Website: www.cnnbhj.com Y B,c=Wx  
Liaison man : Paul dFA1nn6{  
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