shings |
2007-05-31 15:26 |
µTorrent 1.7 beta 2228 很小巧的BT客户端程序
很小巧的BT客户端程序,拥有常见的功能,但是不支持 UDP 的连接协议.内网下载方面也有不错的表现,外网就更不用提了.支持多任务同时下载,支持设置文件下载优先级,可以根据计划任务调整占用的带宽,全局/单个任务的速度限制,快速断点续传机制,支持 UPnP,支持流行的 BT 扩展协议,支持用户来源交换,支持 DHT,最小内存占用仅 6MB. CF3Z`xD RuDn1h#u{ -- 2007-05-30: Version 1.7 (build 2228) mXT{)pU - Feature: allow > 65k pieces in the torrent creator (if piece size is >= 1mB) `<2y
[<y ,x}p1EZ --- 2007-05-30: Version 1.7 (build 2224) L)JpMf0 - Feature: support > 65535 pieces (now 4294967295 is max) Fxy-_%a - Change: don't turn off "check association on startup" if the user says no to the dialog (use the settings to turn it off) k2l(!0o|; - Change: Display an error dialog if the user types in an invalid path on a single file torrent for the "..." button =NwmhV - Change: case insensitive hosts in flags.conf E~]8>U?V - Change: RSS title parsing 3!&lio+< - Change: Implement home, end, pageup, and pagedown selection with shift or control keys in the addtorrent dialog treeview J]5sWs - Change: Some changes to make up, down, home, end, pageup, and pagedown keys in the addtorrent dialog treeview behave more like the old listview RG-pN() - Fix: fix duplication connection race condition e!b?SmNN - Fix: in filenames, replace trailing spaces with underscores (since Windows does not allow it) *yOpMxE - Fix: repair settings files with duplicate entries (and log about it) ?c0OrvM - Fix: rss.start_matches broken with certain settings Ok[y3S - Fix: Dump memory info crash on Vista rIp84} - Fix: Would end up not rate limiting local peers if already connected before discovery and they were not on the local subnet x(h(a#,r %>}6>nT#