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qshpang 2007-05-05 14:30

Lens and images

Lens and images }Y*VAnY6;  
Introduction: Along with mirrors, lens complete the set of simple optical elements. Lens 4mHvgnT!WA  
have been used for hundreds of years. Galileo constructed the first telescope from a pair of lens *JaqTI,e  
in 1609 and used it to discover, among other things, several of Jupiter’s moons. A lens forms l%`F&8K  
images by bending the incoming light as it passes. Image formation can be understood by ~O]]N;>72"  
treating the incoming light as rays and using a simple geometric arguments. Like much of basic z9p05NFH  
physics, this approach isn’t completely correct but is a good approximation. Because of the ~j#]tElb  
geometric nature of the approximation, one can analyze a lens with geometry. This sort of m1IKVa7-\}  
approach is called ray tracing. In today’s lab, we will form images with lens and analyze the "n: %E  
system with ray tracings and with equations.
mysticoom 2007-05-08 09:58
hsc500 2007-07-06 23:58
yang9388 2007-08-06 13:16
真是好東西 感謝樓主分享
liser 2007-10-13 17:42
福疙瘩 2007-10-13 21:46
汗一个 _kdL'x  
我的英文真的很烂 D!oc>K$B  
callen 2008-06-06 21:47
y00102 2008-06-16 21:46
thank you very much!!!!
mlmsmlms 2012-11-10 16:56
看一看吧 * FeQ*`r  
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