帮助中关于光栅的计算帮助时这样写的 bK%tQeT Radial Polynomial Grating. The radial polynomial grating type is essentially a DOE defined by a rotationally symmetric phase profile. The phase profile is given by the following 20th order equation:[/td][/tr][/table] $v@$oPmMj [table][tr][td][/td][td=1,1,100%][attachment=120205] c
Sz@?%PnU| The phase computed by the above equation is in lens units. The derivative of the phase gives the grating period at any point on the surface. The second order term (coefficient C1) gives the basic focal length of the DOE, with the focal length equal to:[attachment=120206] A2_3zrE #|h8u` 这里是把光栅相位当做一个单独的光学属性,那径向半径r是怎么带入计算的,是把这个属性设置在某一个面上后再自动获取这个面上的径向半径吗 g}r5ohqC# 如果是这样,那如果设置在导入的三维文件的面上时,系统又是怎么获取径向半径来计算的