小火龙果 |
2023-06-26 09:34 |
ASAP原厂指导授课 | ASAP 线上培训招生中
QVR8b3T@ ASAP 培训日程表: ${F4x "x ~Z>!SMXp< PART01: Automotive Interior Lighting - Advanced Course• July 11, 12, 18, 19 - 2023 | 8:30am-5:30pm MST 1iJa j This 4-day, online course covers various approaches to problem solving in ASAP. Attendees will learn to design, analyze, simulate, and engineer a variety of automotive lighting applications through virtual prototyping techniques. FK+`K< tR Cz[M& PART02: ASAP Stray Light - Advanced Course• August 14-16, 2023 | 8:30am-5:30pm MST tW
-f_0a. This 3-day, online course covers standard methods for finding and correcting stray light problems in existing systems as well as designing systems with low stray light levels. Covered topics include: scattered light, ghost reflections, thermal emission in infrared systems, edge scatter and wide-angle edge diffraction. Click here for a full course description. @2;/-,4O ,\RZ+kC>~ PART03: Automotive Exterior Sensors - Advanced Course• October 11, 12, 17, 18 - 2023 | 8:30am-5:30pm MST c gOkm}h This 4-day, online course covers various approaches to problem solving in ASAP. Attendees will learn to design, analyze, simulate, and engineer a variety of automotive lighting applications through virtual prototyping techniques. ~-tKMc).X
,+>JQ82 课程详情: p.|M:C\xL VR XK/dZ 主办单位:ASAP 原厂 BRO 公司 mUdj2vB$+' 授课讲师:· Automotive Interior Lighting - Advanced Course with Dr. Kevin Garcia KCl85Wi' · ASAP Stray Light - Advanced Course with Dr. Jon Herlocker· Automotive Exterior Sensors - Advanced Course with Dr. Kevin Garcia P#l"`C
/ 授课方式:在线实时授课 f.G"[p 报名方式:报名咨询请扫描下方“二维码”即可 =#>F' A
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