站长,我下的时候出现下面的情况,不知道是怎么回事? ULxQyY;32 麻烦你帮我看看,谢谢!!! i+mU(/l2{ rP'%f 6 Welcome to Live-Share.com. Simple, Fast, Absolutely Free File Hosting and Sharing Service for you! HEbL'fw^s y705 Download-session invalid. D.:`]W| x}pH'S7 -%Vh-;Ie( Possible reasons: s`H|o'0 t`E5bWG Download-session expired. Direct-links last a few minutes for free users and a few days for premium-users. 3))CD,| You requested this download-session from a different IP than yours. If you use AOL, try a different browser.
2007-05-12 11:55
引用第32楼gylx1206于2007-05-12 11:05发表的 : 0.wF2!V. 站长,我下的时候出现下面的情况,不知道是怎么回事? -s2)!Iko& 麻烦你帮我看看,谢谢!!! nVWU\$Ft Welcome to Live-Share.com. Simple, Fast, Absolutely Free File Hosting and Sharing Service for you! )cRHt: .......
YToG'#qs 我刚试了一下,可以下载呀。
2007-05-12 12:11
我刚又试了一下,还是不行。 CHv
n8tk 刚又看了一下那段英文,好像是没有权限!!!! o
g9|}E> 真郁闷 mfI[9G 谢谢你了!!!