infotek |
2020-12-14 10:34 |
简介:FRED作为COM组件可以实现与Excel、VB、Matlab等调用来完成庞大的计算任务或画图,本文的目的是通过运行一个案例来实现与Matlab的相互调用,在此我们需要借助脚本来完成,此脚本为视为通用型脚本。 *nv%~t +izB(E8&{J 配置:在执行调用之前,我们需要在Matlab命令行窗口输入如下命令: y|BRAk&n enableservice('AutomationServer', true) ]}3AP!: enableservice('AutomationServer') |a(%a43fC IA\CBwiLj 结果输出为1,这种操作方式保证了当前的Matlab实体可以用于通信。 ,X[lC\1a qP"+SVqC 在winwrp界面,为增加和使用Matlab类型的目录库,我们需要如下步骤: s~@4 1. 在FRED脚本编辑界面找到参考. h}X^ 2. 找到Matlab Automation Server Type Library )%4%Uo_Xm 3. 将名字改为MLAPP a@ E+/9 7X
h'VOljB x<m{B@3T 在Matlab里面有两种常用的数据发送选项PutWorkspaceData 及PutFullMatrix,PutWorkspaceData适用于存储一般的数据在工作区,并赋予其为变量,PutFullMatrix试用于复数数据。 gEVN;G'B<= kEH(\3,l
图 编辑/参考 .Ulrv5wJ }9&Z#1/ 现在将脚本代码公布如下,此脚本执行如下几个步骤: 0w0\TWz* 1. 创建Matlab服务器。 CCCd=s. 2. 移动探测面对于前一聚焦面的位置。 WOW:$.VO^ 3. 在探测面追迹光线 tOJK~%' 4. 在探测面计算照度 u!=9.3 5. 使用PutWorkspaceData发送照度数据到Matlab 7oj
^(R, 6. 使用PutFullMatrix发送标量场数据到Matlab中 or?@Ti; 7. 用Matlab画出照度数据 C@{#OOa 8. 在Matlab计算照度平均值 .eg?FB'7 9. 返回数据到FRED中 ~
.} OF$0]V 代码分享: 5pF4{Jd1 tE i-0J Option Explicit 9~bl 0y>]68D Sub Main ^BDM' O5:?nD Dim ana As T_ANALYSIS 4fK(<2i Dim move As T_OPERATION cs'ylGH Dim Matlab As MLApp.MLApp CdxEY Dim detNode As Long, detSurfNode As Long, anaSurfNode As Long >/*wlY!E Dim raysUsed As Long, nXpx As Long, nYpx As Long S7{L-"D=y Dim irrad() As Double, imagData() As Double, reals() As Double, imags() As Double f}jo18z% Dim z As Double, xMin As Double, xMax As Double, yMin As Double, yMax As Double C$9+p@G6 Dim meanVal As Variant bPaE;?m n|t?MoUP Set Matlab = CreateObject("Matlab.Application") Pm2T!0 F\' ^DtB ClearOutputWindow (7C&I-l 8Iz-YG~%3 'Find the node numbers for the entities being used. t<_Jx<{2 detNode = FindFullName("Geometry.Screen") .~)[> detSurfNode = FindFullName("Geometry.Screen.Surf 1") 1ga-8&! anaSurfNode = FindFullName("Analysis Surface(s).Analysis 1") v35wlt^} 0FA
N9u2 'Load the properties of the analysis surface being used. ~i`@ LoadAnalysis anaSurfNode, ana cY%[UK $l L0v& m 'Move the detector custom element to the desired z position. [x`trypg z = 50 4WK@ap-~ GetOperation detNode,1,move tc go
'V move.Type = "Shift" n5nV461U move.val3 = z G~,K$z/-l SetOperation detNode,1,move deD%E-Ja Print "New screen position, z = " &z kbqG) e-$U .cx 'Update the model and trace rays. z93HTy9 EnableTextPrinting (False) ]<9=%m Update 'qGKS:8 DeleteRays I y?_2m TraceCreateDraw Au+SCj EnableTextPrinting (True) DP2 ^(d< vmI2o'zi 'Calculate the irradiance for rays on the detector surface. <E2+P,Lgw raysUsed = Irradiance( detSurfNode, -1, ana, irrad ) f tVA Print raysUsed & " rays were included in the irradiance calculation. OBGA~E;% yY,O=yOjq 'When using real number data to send to MATLAB, it is simplest to use PutWorkspaceData. ]B;GU Matlab.PutWorkspaceData("irradiance_pwd","base",irrad) ./_o+~\e' :HSqa9>wa 'PutFullMatrix is more useful when actually having complex data such as with l djypEa} 'scalar wavefield, for example. Note that the scalarfield array in MATLAB 1<hj3 'is a complex valued array. T*,kBJ raysUsed = ScalarField ( detSurfNode, -1, ana, reals, imags ) ^i3~i?\,P Matlab.PutFullMatrix("scalarfield","base", reals, imags ) 0\G`AO;D Print raysUsed & " rays were included in the scalar field calculation." .C
avb ;^5d^-T 'Calculate plot characteristics from the T_ANALYSIS structure. This information is used l0cws`V 'to customize the plot figure. hkzyI~7 xMin = ana.posX+ana.AcellX*(ana.Amin-0.5) @(XX68 xMax = ana.posX+ana.AcellX*(ana.Amax+0.5) O34'c_ fZ yMin = ana.posY+ana.BcellY*(ana.Bmin-0.5) \Mk;Y yMax = ana.posY+ana.BcellY*(ana.Bmax+0.5) !V~`e9[rl nXpx = ana.Amax-ana.Amin+1 8 *@knkJ nYpx = ana.Bmax-ana.Bmin+1 (*63G4Nz\ >>lT-w 'Plot the data in Matlab with some parameters calculated from the T_ANALYSIS _Je k;N 'structure. Set the axes labels, title, colorbar and plot view. q6Q;9 , Matlab.Execute( "figure; surf(linspace("&xMin &","&xMax &","&nXpx &"),linspace("& yMin &"," & yMax & "," & nYpx & "),irradiance_pwd, 'EdgeColor', 'None');" ) Dq/ _#&S Matlab.Execute( "xlabel('X Position (" & GetUnits() & ")')" ) : Matlab.Execute( "ylabel('Y Position (" & GetUnits() & ")')" ) : Matlab.Execute( "zLabel( 'Irradiance' )" ) >|<8QomD Matlab.Execute( "title('Detector Irradiance')" ) F...>%N$ Matlab.Execute( "colorbar" ) M8Y\1#~ Matlab.Execute( "view(2)" ) P0m;AqS#R Print "" +PC<# Print "Matlab figure plotted..." PP+{zy9Sb Wsb=SM7; 'Have Matlab calculate and return the mean value. 0 S3~IeJ Matlab.Execute( "irrad = mean(mean(irradiance_pwd));" ) {I s?>m4 Matlab.GetWorkspaceData( "irrad", "base", meanVal ) zV)Ob0M7U Print "The mean irradiance value calculated by Matlab is: " & meanVal 6d~[M y xNG'UbU 'Release resources WNkAI9B Set Matlab = Nothing k0|*8 @kR/=EfS End Sub =>ooB/ rvT75dV0 最后在Matlab画图如下: >S / Zd <UJgl{- 并在工作区保存了数据: 6l|pTyb1 :[gM 5G
rZ 并返回平均值: \A`pF'50 uHdrHP 与FRED中计算的照度图对比: {r2-^QHF Zmf\A 例: EK:!.Fl wAE,mw 此例系统数据,可按照此数据建立模型 .+XGbs]kCi <Sn5ME<* 系统数据 q|J3]F !n v'`9^3(- oD,f5Ci- 光源数据: 2#Fc4RR;
Type: Laser Beam(Gaussian 00 mode) A:3bL:
;t Beam size: 5; WXj}gL` Grid size: 12; O~F/pJN` Sample pts: 100; X&._<2 相干光; [T', ZLR| 波长0.5876微米, ;czMsHu0X 距离原点沿着Z轴负方向25mm。 >b;fhdd:4 YIA}F1: 对于执行代码,如果想保存图片,请在开始之前一定要执行如下代码: 4ew|5Zex.~ enableservice('AutomationServer', true) 't=\YFQ*v enableservice('AutomationServer') ADRjCk}I =p>"PqJ/7n ~o`I[-g) QQ:2987619807 {HeIY2