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2020-12-09 09:18 |
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fqI 2I suBX\[ 人眼光学模型可用来设计眼科用设备,光学系统注定了要与人眼一起使用。本文演示了这样一个模型:Arizona眼睛模型,在Jim Schwiegerling教授的书中有详细描述:《Field Guide to Visual and Ophthalmic Optics》。AZ眼睛模型达到了基于平均临床数据所决定的轴上和轴外像差等级。FRED文件包含了此眼睛模型及几个用来分析它的光源,并包括一个基于想要的屈光度来调整模型的内嵌脚本。 Cw!tB1D M!hD`5.3 模型 ~mHrgxQ- asQ^33g z 模型的定义如表1种所示,由半径、圆锥常数、折射率、阿贝数、到下一面的距离等一系列表面组成。一些参数由屈光度(A)来决定。 "\lOOp^- w$]wd`N}
Table 1. AZ眼睛模型的定义 5l,Lp'k 在FRED中使用0屈光度来创建的,光瞳加在了透镜的前面。材料是创建一个新的材料并选择类型“Model Material”,输入的参数是nd和vd. C!K&d,M sWTa;Qi 光源 $<VH~Q< ijcF[bmE 多个光源定义来分析该模型的不同特性。图1显示了所以的光源和提示信息告诉您他们可以用来做什么。 oG hMO lwG)&qyVd 18j>x3tn
图1. 光源和提示信息使用 3:w_49~:~ 除了“Letter F”之外的所有光源的光线位置设定在了孔径光阑位置处,并增加了pre-propagation distance= -8。尽管光线在光瞳处创建,规定的传输方向相对于光线位置在pre-propagation distance之后。这意味着光束沿着Z轴在眼睛的前面以平行光入射,而不是在光瞳处入射。 !gsrPM Y HgNL LZ? 在往下看是内置的脚本用来修改屈光度,使其为4(250mm),光源“Letter F”在视网膜处生成一个字母为F的图像。绿色的光线聚焦的非常好而红色和蓝色光线有一点的模糊。使用Positions Spot Diagram分析工具来观察最为合适。 kTzO4s? p")"t`k7
图2. 字母F光源的设定方法光 _/ 5 ;xFB
图3. 字母F在视网膜上位置点列图 \,m*CYs` 视网膜的散射 L*rCUv ` Q"!GdKM 在散射文件中,有一个名为“Retina surface”的72%的反射型朗伯散射,它为视网膜的散射提供了一个粗略的近似。为了模拟来自视网膜的散射,改变自定义元件“Eye ball” 下的视网膜的表面从“halt all” 到”Allow All”。并使几何中“plane”可追迹。 ',D%,N}J 2#qcYU JS?%zj&@
图4. 视网膜朗伯散射设定 Tqs|2at<t 注意在视网膜的表面有散射重点采样规格定义,在“Scatter”标签的底部可获取该信息。“toward pupil”指定散射光朝向光瞳,半角度10度。 re4z>O* :"nh76xg< GAs.?JHd
图5. 视网膜重点采样规格设定 z t 脚本 jW^]N$> A*|\E:fo 内置脚本使用对话框显示屈光度和光瞳直径的数值设置。使用FRED Basic脚本创建和使用对话框非常容易。图6显示了如何获取用户自定义对话框,如下图所示: |rgPHRX^Hn #<V5sgqS
图6. 用户对话框的创建与编辑 M4
图7. 用户对话框编辑器 @d0~'_vtB 如果“OK”按钮按下,将会核对对话框下面的代码行,如果点击取消则脚本终止。然后输入的参数赋予变量,如果此处是保留为空白,则使用默认值。因此,如果没有值输入并点击“OK”按钮,则脚本是以屈光度为0,光瞳直径为4mm来运行的。 8F$]@0v`% 余下的脚本计算与屈光度有关的所有参数。 g^#,!e #N"QTD|i 分析 YoK )fh$ l%u8Lq 屈光度为4,光瞳直径为4mm,字母F点在视网膜上所成的像。 {EVy.F cUw$F{|W
图7. 字母F在视网膜上颜色分析 @bAuR 脚本代码 e?o/H 0\k{v Option Explicit 'Remove this to enable non-dimensioned variables to be used. +T,0,^* tp"eXA0n Dim entity As T_ENTITY
b`GKGqb J Dim op As T_OPERATION so Lmr's Dim mat As T_MODELMATERIAL .WBp!*4 Dim A As Double XrXW6s;Z Dim pupilDiam As Double JPZH%#E( Dim eID As Long n0 V^/j} Dim parID As Long I,Jb_)H&t Dim count As Integer oykb8~u}} Dim taq As Double, Rant As Double, CCant As Double, Rpost As Double, CCpost As Double B<G,{k Dim tlens As Double, nlens As Double T}"[f/:N/ Dim curv As Double, conic As Double 2P=~6( Dim ok As Long {=,I>w]T|W l&Y'5k_R Sub Main V8pZr+AJ 4`o<e)c3 '用户输入对话框 q(2ZJn13f Begin Dialog UserDialog 320,126,"Input parameters" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1 g<$2#c} TextBox 220,21,40,21,.TextBox1 'default: 0 0<f.r~ Text 20,21,190,21,"Accommodation (in Diopters):",.Text1,1 (bB"6
#TI OKButton 40,91,90,21 v@J[qpX CancelButton 190,91,90,21 &2ty++gC Text 20,49,190,14,"Pupil diameter (4 mm default):",.Text2,1 u&o$2
'8 TextBox 220,49,40,21,.TextBox2 'default: 4 Ef@Et(f_mQ End Dialog m !i`|]m Dim dlg As UserDialog /*M3Ns1@2 (Y^tky$9 ok = Dialog (dlg) hL}ZPHA b9v<Jk If ok=0 Then 'cancel button was pressed P%!=Rj^ 2m Print "Execution cancelled." PY+4OZ$ End & Yx12B\ End If 8 0o'=E}" `'pAiu 'Assign accommodation and pupil diameter & use defaults if field left empty L
gy^^. If dlg.TextBox1 = "" Then h7o.RRhK A = 0 'Default accommodation }EJ/H3< Else (zk/>Ou A = CDbl(dlg.TextBox1) DhsvN&yNM End If Z
B!~@Vf xZ>j Q_} If dlg.TextBox2 = "" Then mGkQx
-| pupilDiam = 4 'Default pupil diameter Y zmMF Else jCIY(/ pupilDiam = CDbl(dlg.TextBox2) }-u%6KZ End If =([4pG <num!@2D Print " " }WBHuVcZG Print "Accommodation = " & A & " Diopters" K5jeazasp Print "Pupil Diameter = " & pupilDiam & " mm" TgHUH>k #5{BxX&\ ' Calculate new parameters with accommodation IcGX~zWr taq = 0.55 + 2.97 - 0.04*A 'Aqueous thickness K{B| ovDPnf( Rant = 12.0 - 0.4*A 'Radius of anterior lens Y4_xV& CCant = -7.518749 + 1.285720*A 'Conic constant of anterior lens ]e+&Pxw]e 'G>9 iw Rpost = -5.224557 + 0.2*A 'Radius of posterior lens (=EDqAZg CCpost = -1.353971 - 0.431762*A 'Conic constant of posterior lens tvq((2 TZ!@IBu tlens = 3.767 + 0.04*A 'Lens thickness cL~YQJYp ,(f W0d# nlens = 1.42 + 0.00256*A - 0.00022*A^2 'Lens index of refraction <td]k%*+ rUAt`ykTmN 'Adjust parameters to account for accommodation GS}JyU nb6Y/`G '************************************************************************* ?ks.M'@ 'Aqueous thickness (Position of Lens) ZE~zs~z| '************************************************************************* ~l*<LXp8 eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens" ) ED>a'y$f GetCustomElement eID, entity ["4Tn0g ; 7?y7fwER parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) !]RSG^%s{ )?c,& ' Delete any shift(s) in z ;-;lM6zP count = 0 yf4L0. While GetOperationCount(eID)>count BBv+*jj GetOperation eID, count, op N]6t)Zv If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then 6<R[hIWpZ} DeleteOperation eID,count 4- Jwy count=count-1 4z9lk^#"X End If
5C^@w count=count+1 %H2ios[UO Wend lBAu@M
N^@:+,<3 'Set new shift in P8ZmrtQm op.Type = "ShiftZ" 6 . )Xeb" op.val1 = taq \<09.q<8 op.parent = parID A^A)arJS AddOperation eID, op `(=Kp=b Print "Set aqueous humor thickness = " & taq-0.55
KLE)+| t8rFn '************************************************************************* $bFK2yx?= 'Radius and conic constant of anterior lens ~id:Rh>o '************************************************************************* V/kndV[j eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens.Anterior" ) i. (Af$ GetConic eID, entity, curv, conic ,]W|"NUI evYn} SetConic eID, entity, 1/Rant, CCant h:r?:C>n Print "Set anterior lens radius = " & Rant & " and conic constant = " & CCant ( }Bb=~ />/e '************************************************************************* u*rP8GuS 'Radius and conic constant of posterior lens c;fLM`{* '************************************************************************* +}a(jO eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens.Posterior" ) +@?'dw GetConic eID, entity, curv, conic v+W'0ymbnV :zLf~W SetConic eID, entity, 1/Rpost, CCpost #jW=K&; Print "Set posterior lens radius = " & Rpost & " and conic constant = " & CCpost n-yUt72 s&-MJ05y '************************************************************************* x\8|A 'Lens thickness (Position of posterior lens surface) |?8nO.C~V '************************************************************************* g$?^bu dxv g= Vu'p 3u parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens" ) UeLO `Ug0; EwA* ' Delete any z-shift(s) [|=M<>?[ count = 0 kP ,8[r While GetOperationCount(eID)>count ?4Rd4sIM$u GetOperation eID, count, op gu[EYg If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then E5M/XW\E6 DeleteOperation eID,count /#H P;>!n count=count-1 #S'uqP! End If G2)F<Y count=count+1 Y%;X7VxU* Wend L\:m)g,F. Ui`{U 'Set new z-shift ?X@[ibH6 op.Type = "ShiftZ" -P/DmSS8V op.val1 = tlens PQ[?zNrSV op.parent = parID ,)#rD9ZnC AddOperation eID, op f!w/zC . Print "Set lens thickness = " & tlens hRu}P" NimgU Fa '************************************************************************* i\ X3t5 'Lens index of refraction ]0ErT9 '************************************************************************* Vb\g49\o/ eID = FindMaterial( "Lens" ) 4^l 9d GetModelMaterial eID, mat :VZS7$5 m{ !$_z8: mat.Nd = nlens tJrGRlB> SetModelMaterial eID, mat &l1t5 ! Print "Set lens index of refraction = " & nlens `hkvxt az0=jou<Zl '************************************************************************* uH%b rbrU 'Pupil diameter LkS tU) '************************************************************************* J'X}6Q eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Pupil.Iris" ) [07E-TT2U \]]K{DO 'Adjust pupil diameter (trimming volume inner hole) XNJZ~Mowb O0L]xr SetTrimVolHole eID, pupilDiam/2, pupilDiam/2, 0, 0, "Cylinder" Qr$
7 U6p RdWn =; ' Adjust pupil location to just in front of the lens _Fa\y ZX parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) M=pQx$%a eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Pupil" ) -6kX?sNl)X count = 0 PKrG6%
W+ While GetOperationCount(eID)>count K}re{y GetOperation eID, count, op 1Ys=KA-!_x If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then `mz}D76~# DeleteOperation eID,count "gM!/<~ count=count-1 -^CW}IM{ I End If J4::.r count=count+1 20|_wAA5 Wend =f!A o:Uc op.Type = "ShiftZ" 'sUOi7U op.val1 = taq-0.01 #C&';HB;y op.parent = parID ,5;M(ft# AddOperation eID, op h@$SJe(hl @u9L+*F
Print "Set pupil diameter = " & pupilDiam 5S!#^>_ 5tbCx!tL 'Update AZ Eye subassembly Description 2{b/*w eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) m_/Ut GetEntity eID, entity 3Jizv,? entity.Description = "Accommodation = " & A & "D" Az:~|P SetEntity eID, entity auK9wQ%\ uK" T~ Update V_J0I*Qa4 Print "DONE!" yl~;! ;O`f+rG~ End Sub 7wx=# lu"0\}7X 如果屈光度是4,光瞳直径是4,则会输出如下数据: V*\hGNV 8)9-*Bzj Accommodation = 4 Diopters I~n4}}9M Pupil Diameter = 4 mm z)C/U Set aqueous humor thickness = 2.81 3xs<w7 Set anterior lens radius = 10.4 and conic constant = -2.375869 $uTrM8 Set posterior lens radius = -4.424557 and conic constant = -3.081019 P".}Y[GD Set lens thickness = 3.927 D8L5t<^1R Set lens index of refraction = 1.42672 yR>P Set pupil diameter = 4 $8eiifj DONE! aJ(/r.1G ;99oJD, p"%D/-%Gu QQ:2987619807 .S54:vs