PROJ yFlm[K5YD ON 67 GD_hhDyD CCW ;)^`3` CORE 6 nq8C'Fo!6T )*x6 FfTUd DSEARCH 3 QUIET 7 X'u6$i SYSTEM d-r@E3 ID 4P_ASPHERIC %
0+j?>#X OBB 0 35 0.5 !.285 VrQmP UNI MM \%N!5>cZ{ !WAVL CDF ! use visual wavelengths at C, d, and F lines g:Xhw$x9 ILShd)]Rw WA1 .6562800 .5875600 .5460700 .4861300 .4358400 j@uOOhy CORDER 3 1 5 2 4 p/@smke WT1 9.00000 15.0000 16.0000 10.0000 7.00000 I(7NQ8Hx END !fR3(=oN GOALS ! define the goals here @;?p&.W`D ELEMENTS 5 ! we want a four-element lens with a cover glass G@jZ)2
BACK 0.6 1 ! ask for 0.4 mm back focus distance (uZ&V7l FNUM 2.4 10 ! ask for F/2.7, weight of 10 mahJSz(3 THSTART .3 ! global search use thicknesses 0.1 mm Bj-:#P@ RSTART 50 ! and starting radius of 50 mm MC:@U~}6 ASPH 2 ! allow four aspheric terms: CC, 4th, 6th, and 8th power ;{tj2m, A='N=^Pm delay 9999 ! these runs are fast, so don’t ask to continue on timeout FOy|F-j ANNEAL 10 1 Q ! anneal each case, temp 10 degrees, cool 1, including quick 8~z~_TD6m@ Quick .-oxb,/ SNAP 5 ! redraw PAD screen every five passes /Uy"M:|V1 STOP FIRST ! put the stop in front QD*35Y!d STOP Fix ! and keep it there .NC:;@y QUICK 20 20 ! run quick mode 20 passes, then real mode 20 OO*zhGD;[ NGRID 6 ! 6x6 grid of rays in pupil =sJ7=39 TOPD ! correct both transverse aberrations and OPDs, For Mobile qjdMqoOCjl FOV 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 ! correct six field points B
s#hr3h- FWT 5 4 3 2 1 1 ! with these weights aYS!xh206 COVER .3 1.51872 64 ! the cover glass will be 0.3 mm thick with this GLM #
,_u_'C*! PLASTIC 4 1 3 5 7 ! the four elements will be plastic (UvM@]B END ! end of goals section PV\+P6aIb cir$voL SPEC PANT ! special PANT section starts here _Wq RDR .001 ! these are tiny lenses, reduce derivative increments fc-iAj TLIMIT 3 .1 ! limits on thicknesses and spaces :^WKT SLIMIT 5 .1 hp7|m0.JW END ! end of PANT section h"_;IUZ! y8!4q SPECIAL AANT YS@ypzc/ Skip hYNY"VB ! start of special AANT section; these go into the merit fn. *%fi/bimG ACC 1.5 ! center thickness no more than 1.5 mm TNY&asQo ACM .5 ! and no thinner than 0.2 mm T;y>>_, ! avoid critical angle; 60 degrees from surface normal Vjp1RWb AEC .3 10 1 ! keep edges over 0.2 mm ``Dq eos _%!c+f7 u:gN?O/G p~^D\jR. AEC 0.3 1 .1 ! Min Edge, Tar WT [Window], Default 1mm >qjq=Ege ACC 1.5 1 .1 ! Max. Center, Default 1Inch lpeEpI/gM ACM 0.5 1 .1 ! Min.Center
(SDr!!V< AAE 0.2 1 .1 ! Air Edge `YLD`(\ ACA 50 Q$1bWUS& M&@b><B M 1.17 10 A P YA 0.363636364 t2I5hSf M 1.76 10 A P YA 0.545454545 SmdjyK1~8 M 2.35 10 A P YA 0.727272727 hjB@o#S M 3.05 10 A P YA 1 m4&h>9. 8 f]|ysf skip !^=*Jq> M 0.29 1 A P YA 0.090909091 9N<<{rQ,F M 0.59 1 A P YA 0.181818182 g -HN M 0.88 1 A P YA 0.272727273 , 5kKimTt M 1.17 1 A P YA 0.363636364 =/Mq 5. M 1.47 1 A P YA 0.454545455
;"fDUY| M 1.76 1 A P YA 0.545454545 t2"O M 2.05 1 A P YA 0.636363636 G_{&sa M 2.35 1 A P YA 0.727272727 C8e
!H M 2.64 1 A P YA 0.818181818 iH@yCNE" M 2.93 1 A P YA 0.909090909 EB=-H# M 3.05 10 A P YA 1 X;B\Kj`n eos sCi s4gX.] ^ZhG>L* !AOI CONTOL \h D dU+ !NAME AOI 2FF4W54I LUL 29 50 1 A P UNI 1.0 0 0 0 LB0 &8>IeK{I LLL 28 50 1 A P UNI 1.0 0 0 0 LB0 YN2sdG skip e2ilB), O-cbX/d M 5.3 1 A P UNI 0.090909091 0 0 0 LB0 :x{NBvUIc M 10.6 1 A P UNI 0.181818182 0 0 0 LB0 F\AX: M 15.6 1 A P UNI 0.272727273 0 0 0 LB0 #qI= Z0Y M 20.4 1 A P UNI 0.363636364 0 0 0 LB0 2H6,'JK@F M 24.3 1 A P UNI 0.454545455 0 0 0 LB0 Q/I!}C4 M 27 1 A P UNI 0.545454545 0 0 0 LB0 ? glSC$b M 28.6 1 A P UNI 0.636363636 0 0 0 LB0 e~@[18 M 28.9 1 A P UNI 0.727272727 0 0 0 LB0 fX.>9H[w@~ M 29 1 A P UNI 0.818181818 0 0 0 LB0 _$f9]bab M 29 1 A P UNI 0.909090909 0 0 0 LB0 =p?WBZT|: M 29 1 A P UNI 1 0 0 0 LB0 SWQ5fcPu eos *@Y3oh}S Ikiib
WQL+ END Q7$.LEioN iz?tu: \v& GO O.Iu6D PROJ :GW&O /Yo %8Dzo L19C<5>