)vO?d~x| 想請教各位大神一個操作手冊的問題 1y/_D$~ZO 在MTF有關的 FFT MTF說明裡面的一段話怎樣解釋或是實際應用 /eZ UAxq n*7Ytz3#' The Analyze Tab (sequential ui mode) > Image Quality Group > MTF Wn p\yx` <,r(^Ntz The spatial frequency scale of the MTF plot is in cycles per mm in image space, or cycles per milliradian in object space (see “MTF Units”). MTF in cycles per mm is computed in image space, so any magnification of the system needs to be considered when determining spatial frequency response for object space. ~,199K#' 7od6`k cycle/mm是在像空間, cycle/mRad 是在物空間, ......每個英文單字都懂,但真不懂這段話的意思..請熟悉手冊的大神幫忙說明,謝謝 zUw=e}?: [N$#&4{Je