mang2004 |
2020-03-02 01:10 |
Hydrogen Production System by Light‐Induced α‐FeOOH Coupled with Photoreduction bI,gNVN= sacaL4[_< Abstract /{';\?w .}>DEpc:n W~J>Srt Solar‐driven catalysts on semiconductors to produce hydrogen are considered as a means to solve environmental issues. In this study, H2 production coupling with oxygen consumption by noble metal‐free α‐FeOOH was demonstrated even though the conduction band edge was lower than the reduction potential of H+ to H2. For activation of α‐FeOOH, an electron donor, Hg‐Xe irradiation, and low pH (ca. 5) were indispensable factors. The H2 production from H2O was confirmed by GC‐MS using isotope‐labeled water (D2O) and deuterated methanol. The α‐FeOOH synthesized by coprecipitation method showed 25 times more active than TiO2. The photocatalytic activity was stable for over 400 h. Our study suggests that α‐FeOOH known as rust can produce H2 by light induction. SWYIQ7*