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cyqdesign 2019-10-16 11:47


近日在线出版的《科学》(Science)杂志,介绍了中国南开大学与美国得克萨斯州立大学达拉斯分校的联合科研成果:柔性制冷新策略——“扭热制冷”。这种新型制冷技术,为制冷领域扩充了一个新的板块,这将为降低制冷领域能源损耗提供一种新的途径。 )2_[Ww|.  
这项发现来自南开大学药物化学生物学国家重点实验室、药学院、功能高分子教育部重点实验室刘遵峰教授团队与美国得克萨斯州立大学达拉斯分校教授、南开大学杨石先讲座教授雷·鲍曼(Ray H.Baughman)团队的合作研究。刘遵峰、雷·鲍曼为论文共同通讯作者,南开大学为论文第一单位。 MqJ5|C.q  
他们发现,改变纤维内部的捻度可以实现降温。由于制冷效率更高、体积更小且适用于天然橡胶、钓鱼线以及镍钛合金等多种普通材料,基于这种方法制成的“扭热冰箱”也变得前景可期。 s&Y"a,|Z  
根据国际制冷研究机构的数据统计,目前世界上使用空调和冰箱制冷消耗的电能约占全球电能损耗的20%。如今被广泛应用的空气压缩原理制冷,其卡诺效率一般低于60%。传统的冰箱在制冷过程释放出的气体正在加剧地球变暖。随着人类对制冷需求的增加,探索新型制冷理论和方案,进一步提高制冷效率,降低成本并减小制冷设备的尺寸,成为当务之急。 k/D{&(F ~  
橡皮筋拉伸会发热,缩回后温度会降低,这种现象叫“弹热制冷”。其他固态制冷技术还包括电热制冷、磁热制冷以及镍钛合金形状记忆材料等新型方案。但是,这些制冷技术的卡诺效率均未超过空气压缩制冷技术。 BM`6<Z"3q  
通过“扭热制冷”技术,人们只需要解捻就可以使卡诺效率达到67%。这意味着,通过使用橡胶、钓鱼线等普通材料进行制冷,有望获得更高卡诺效率,从而节省更多电能,降低制冷成本。 _&/ {A|n  
“有趣的是,我们发现,‘扭热制冷’方案也适用于钓鱼线、纺织线。之前,人们并没有意识到这些普通的材料可以用来进行制冷。”刘遵峰说。研究人员还发现,将“扭热制冷”技术应用于强度更大、传热更快的镍钛形状记忆合金时,制冷效果更佳,且只需要加入较低的捻度,就会获得比较大的降温。 FF~r&h8H  
“这些初步的发现,距离‘扭热冰箱’的商业化依然有很长的路要走,也存在很多机遇与挑战”,雷·鲍曼说,“这些挑战包括开发新型的器件与材料以提高循环使用寿命,合理利用输入功以提高效率。潜在的机遇包括,除使用商业化的现有材料,进一步优化‘扭热制冷’材料,获得最佳性能。” Mx$&{.LFJ  
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mang2004 2019-10-17 06:56
https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6462/216 wDZ<UP=X  
Torsional refrigeration by twisted, coiled, and supercoiled fibers *iE tXv  
Abstract 6t6Z&0$h~  
Higher-efficiency, lower-cost refrigeration is needed for both large- and small-scale cooling. Refrigerators using entropy changes during cycles of stretching or hydrostatic compression of a solid are possible alternatives to the vapor-compression fridges found in homes. We show that high cooling results from twist changes for twisted, coiled, or supercoiled fibers, including those of natural rubber, nickel titanium, and polyethylene fishing line. Using opposite chiralities of twist and coiling produces supercoiled natural rubber fibers and coiled fishing line fibers that cool when stretched. A demonstrated twist-based device for cooling flowing water provides high cooling energy and device efficiency. Mechanical calculations describe the axial and spring-index dependencies of twist-enhanced cooling and its origin in a phase transformation for polyethylene fibers. 3KkfQ{  
mang2004 2019-10-17 06:56
Abstract P5h|* ?=  
Torsional refrigeration by twisted, coiled, and supercoiled fibers jO-?t9^  
Higher-efficiency, lower-cost refrigeration is needed for both large- and small-scale cooling. Refrigerators using entropy changes during cycles of stretching or hydrostatic compression of a solid are possible alternatives to the vapor-compression fridges found in homes. We show that high cooling results from twist changes for twisted, coiled, or supercoiled fibers, including those of natural rubber, nickel titanium, and polyethylene fishing line. Using opposite chiralities of twist and coiling produces supercoiled natural rubber fibers and coiled fishing line fibers that cool when stretched. A demonstrated twist-based device for cooling flowing water provides high cooling energy and device efficiency. Mechanical calculations describe the axial and spring-index dependencies of twist-enhanced cooling and its origin in a phase transformation for polyethylene fibers. `hi=y BO  
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