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cyqdesign 2019-09-12 16:26


近日,中国科学院大连化学物理研究所研究员姜鹏和中科院院士包信和团队发表了题为Progress of Photodetectors Based on the Photothermoelectric Effect 的综述文章。 *5IB@^<  
长波红外(8-14μm)和太赫兹(30μm-3mm)探测器由于其在多领域有重要作用而受到广泛关注。光热电探测器是基于光热转换和热电转换两个物理过程,可实现长波红外和太赫兹室温探测的无源器件,在长波红外和太赫兹探测方面发挥越来越重要的作用。该综述文章系统介绍了近年来基于低维材料、体相多孔材料和有机材料的光热电探测器的研究进展,从增强光与材料相互作用的角度,总结了提高光热电探测器响应能力的若干策略,包括引入表面等离子体共振、声子共振、光学天线等。此外,文章拓展介绍了光热电效应在近场光学、自旋电子学和谷电子学等领域中的应用。最后,文章还展望了光热电探测器的进一步发展方向。 e:%|.$4OG  
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姜鹏和包信和团队长期致力于开发新型热电材料,并拓宽热电材料的应用范围。该团队利用高熵化策略提高GeSe晶体结构对称性,大幅度提高了该材料的热电性能(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2017 );结合多种微纳尺度表征手段,探究纳米热电材料的载流子分布(Adv. Electron. Mater.,2017 )和表面等离子共振性质(Nano Lett.,2018 );结合钛酸锶在长波红外波段强的声子吸收和优异的塞贝克系数,开发了基于钛酸锶光热电效应的高性能长波红外探测器(Nat. Commun. ,2019)。 Mg #yl\v  
上述工作得到国家重点研发计划、大连化物所创新基金等的资助,并于近日发表在《先进材料》(Advanced Materials)上。 vJLGy]  
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mang2004 2019-09-12 19:11
Abstract SE'!j]6jI  
High‐performance uncooled photodetectors operating in the long‐wavelength infrared and terahertz regimes are highly demanded in the military and civilian fields. Photothermoelectric (PTE) detectors, which combine photothermal and thermoelectric conversion processes, can realize ultra‐broadband photodetection without the requirement of a cooling unit and external bias. In the last few decades, the responsivity and speed of PTE‐based photodetectors have made impressive progress with the discovery of novel thermoelectric materials and the development of nanophotonics. In particular, by introducing hot‐carrier transport into low‐dimensional material–based PTE detectors, the response time has been successfully pushed down to the picosecond level. Furthermore, with the assistance of surface plasmon, antenna, and phonon absorption, the responsivity of PTE detectors can be significantly enhanced. Beyond the photodetection, PTE effect can also be utilized to probe exotic physical phenomena in spintronics and valleytronics. Herein, recent advances in PTE detectors are summarized, and some potential strategies to further improve the performance are proposed. OvAhp&k  
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