>">Xd@Wk Tang表示:“收集包含红外线的多个波长可以为你提供更多的光谱信息,就像为黑白电视增加色彩一样。短波可以为你提供纹理和化学成分信息,而中波可以为你提供温度。”他们通过调整量子点至合适尺寸来收集短波红外线,而另一个量子点用于收集中波红外线,然后他们将每个量子点分层放在硅片上。科学家表示,功能性相机所需的制造解决方案可以在几分钟内轻松生成,而且性能和现有型号一样出色。 t{,e{oZx <[$a7l i
Dual-band infrared imaging using stacked colloidal quantum dot photodiodes nm_4E8&X Hp5.F>- Abstract :4)(Qa( WJ^]mpH9 Infrared multispectral imaging is attracting great interest with the increasing demand for sensitive, low-cost and scalable devices that can distinguish coincident spectral information. However, the widespread use of such detectors is still limited by the high cost of epitaxial semiconductors. In contrast, the solution processability and wide spectral tunability of colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) have inspired various inexpensive, high-performance optoelectronic devices. Here, we demonstrate a two-terminal CQD dual-band detector, which provides a bias-switchable spectral response in two distinct bands. A vertical stack of two rectifying junctions in a back-to-back diode configuration is created by engineering a strong and spatially stable doping process. By controlling the bias polarity and magnitude, the detector can be rapidly switched between short-wave infrared and mid-wave infrared at modulation frequencies up to 100 kHz with D* above 1010 jones at cryogenic temperature. The detector performance is illustrated by dual-band infrared imaging and remote temperature monitoring. Nw(hN+_u