There are lot, depending on your requirements. Anyway you can try: 0JWD] " (Y@|h%1W 1, Refractive: an achromatic as positive + plano-convex as negative; :s5<AT Q OR ]R.Vq\A%S 2, Reflective: two parabolic mirrors; 'C4Ll2 #3ro?w Both of them affer nice spherical aberration performance. *[/Xhx" ?fX8WRdh Reminder: compute the laser beam density, ensure you have enough strong optical coating. ,OFr]74\ Am^O{`r41 Good luck.
Hi, V zx(J) h>Pg:*N,( The following is a link of technical data of optical adhesives, hope it be helpful: cCCplL (:muxby% x5Pt\/ow 1! [bu Double check from your lens vendor waht type of adhesive they use for your cemented doublet. uk/+
i`= V2* |j8| It is OK to use the spaced doublet design as a backup, if so, please pay a lot attention on the opto-mechanical design and assembling. <plR<iI. }&hgedx Again, good luck.
2007-03-09 17:47
2007-04-04 22:47
如果你用的是1064的激光,那么采用双胶合并不是一个明智的方案,除非真正能解决胶的问题,你的能量有大?采用双胶合,你考虑过没有它的可靠性? G{Q'N04RA 如果ZEMAX对系统的公差分析,精度要求控制在1u,那么你就应该放弃这样的方案。 nU *fne? 这类系统我也做过,没有遇到你这种情况,“要求正向使用(扩束)和反向使用(缩束)时产生的像差相同”-