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2007-02-01 00:44 |
"Modern Lens Design" 2nd Edition by Warren J. Smith '+
8.nN X1P_IB Contents of Modern Lens Design 2nd Edition ,w+}Evp]) nt"8kv 1 Introduction s`bC?wr5h 1.1 Lens Design Books >-~2:d\M3 1.2 Reference Material pO~VI$7 1.3 Specifications Rj/9\F3H 1.4 Lens Design ${/"u3a_ 1.5 Lens Design Program Features 4/Vy@h"A3 1.6 About This Book w84
]s%y 6Wos6_ 2 Automatic Lens Design =h083|y> 2.2 The Merit Function /!r#=enG7 2.3 Local Minima 0'DlsC/`* 2.4 The Landscape Lens Qe~2'Hw#9 2.5 Types of Merit Function 'k9?n)<DW 2.6 Stagnation *L%i-Wg" 2.7 Generalized Simulated Annealing .45XS>=z# 2.8 Considerations about Variables for Optimization l*+"0 2.9 How to Increase the Speed or Field of a System and Avoid Ray Failure Problems ]Tje6iF 2.10 Test Plate Fits, Melt Fits, Thickness Fits and Reverse Aberration Fits Se
o3 a6o 2.11 Spectral Weighting Kp|#04] 2.12 How to Get Started 2Qoj>Wy{ "!yKX(aTX 3 Improving a Design >};6>)0 3.1 Lens Design Tip Sheet: Standard Improvement Techniques 4b" %171 3.2 Glass Changes ( Index and V Values ) I92c!`{ 3.3 Splitting Elements ,sAN,?eG~ 3.4 Separating a Cemented Doublet Z66b>.<8 3.5 Compounding an Element 8tc9H}> 3.6 Vignetting and Its Uses I<w`+<o( 3.7 Eliminating a Weak Element; the Concentric Problem }T?MWcG4 3.8 Balancing Aberrations ]~,V(K 3.9 The Symmetrical Principle 5-277? 3.10 Aspheric Surfaces ,_66U;T }OeEv@^ 4 Evaluation: How Good is This Design @G
vDl=. 4.1 The Uses of a Preliminary Evaluation 2p( M`@ 4.2 OPD versus Measures of Performance 2$D
*~~ 4.3 Geometric Blur Spot Size versus Certain Aberrations Dm@wTt8N( 4.4 Interpreting MTF - The Modulation Transfer Function * &j)"hX 4.5 Fabrication Considerations 8ycmvpJ Nk-biD/J 5 Lens Design Data -R!qDA" 5.1 About the Sample Lens Designs W|U!kqU 5.2 Lens Prescriptions, Drawings, and Aberration Plots #5?Q{ORN o 5.3 Estimating the Potential of a Redesign jafq(t 5.4 Scaling a Desing, Its Aberrations, and Its MTF &gkGH<oaX 5.5 Notes on the Interpretation of Ray Intercept Plots 8gap _qTo 5.6 Various Evaluation Plot GHHErXT\a e75k- 6 Telescope Objective `_]Z#X&&h 6.1 The Thin Airspaced Doublet 2`#jw)dM;} 6.2 Merit Function for a Telescope Objective #vy:aq<bjE 6.3 The Design of an f/7 Cemented Doublet Telescope Objective &jg | |