ysliu |
2006-12-26 20:16 |
OSLO: Dual fiber collimation
Can some one post a layout file for: s
Z(LT'} 1) dual-fiber collimator, one for input and one for output, with 8 degree angled surface; VJJGTkm 2) a 8 degree angled GRIN lens (NSG SLW180) '31pb9@fH 3) a mirror ;ZPAnd:pb `~vqu69MF9 Adjust the layout file, thus the output beam return back to the output fiber. Un@B D}@\ 5|f[evQj<S The fiber can be SMF-28 corning fiber. 1,=U^W.G aF2eGh This is a very often used dual-fiber collimation for Telecom fiber optics. Quite a few example use this configuration, such as tilting mirror type VOAs. X[_w#Hwp- fqZqPcT0 Thanks, S1(. AI~ YS