stephenh |
2006-12-13 20:18 |
(defun c:sl() ul~ux$a (setq Ycolum(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in Y axis: ")) ;;y軸方向點數 w'S,{GW (setq Yleth(getreal"\n pls input the Y axis startpoint coordinate: ")) ;;y軸起始座標 ,2@o`R.27 (setq Xcolum1(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in x axis: ")) Q Be6\oq (setq X_Cood1(getreal"\n pls input the X axis startpoint coordinate: ")) NXW*{b (setq ridus1(getreal"\n pls input the Diameter of startpoint you wanted desgin in mm: ")) Ds9)e&yYrb (setq pitch_x(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between X axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) K d&/9<{> (setq pitch_y(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between Y axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) +jm,nM9 (setq reduce1(getreal"\n pls input reduce the dot you wanted desgin : ")) `|dyT6V0I_ (setq Xchange1 1) Br1R++] (setq Ychange 1) 66yw[,Y (setq m (* Ycolum 2)) ]}2)U (setq D (- Xcolum1 1)) O2w-nd74U (setq A (- m 1)) A;oHji#* (setq X_P (/ pitch_x 2)) e &6 %
(setq Y_P (/ pitch_y 2)) FK%b@/7s~ (setq C (+ Yleth Y_P)) i'IT,jz! (while (<= Ychange Ycolum) ^_2c\mw_I (setq ridus (+ ridus1 reduce1) I2Xd"RHN pitch_a pitch_x VY?9|};f Xcolum Xcolum1 "Xq_N4 reduce reduce1 ~6G
X_Cood X_Cood1 kf,
&t Xchange Xchange1 XiUq#84Q pitch_b pitch_y :U6`n ) p.DQ|? (setq Yleth (+ Yleth pitch_b)) 6Yu:v ( while (<= Xchange Xcolum) V6]6KP#D (setq X_Cood (+ X_Cood pitch_a)) vy<W4 (setq CP (list X_Cood Yleth 0)) PDNl]? (setq ridus (- ridus reduce)) Rh>B#
\ (command "donut" (- ridus ridus) ridus CP "") BU`X_Z1) (setq Xchange (+ Xchange 1)) Cf%
qap# ) Aoe\\'O|V (setq Ychange (+ Ychange 1)) kDmm ) 6= iHw24 (setq Yleth1 C) +
G@N (while (and (> Ychange Ycolum) (<= Ychange A)) ^Q/*on;A,/ (setq ridus (+ ridus1 (setq reduce0 (/ reduce1 2))) }EK{UM9y pitch_a pitch_x c%H' jB[ Xcolum Xcolum1 ,AP&N'
reduce reduce1 2t= =<x X_Cood (+ X_Cood1 X_P) eqx }]# Xchange Xchange1
RD$:. pitch_b pitch_y TnrBHaxbo4 ) 2]!@)fio` (setq Yleth1 (+ Yleth1 pitch_b)) D,#UJPyg ( while (<= Xchange D) Bf{u:TCK (setq X_Cood (+ X_Cood pitch_a)) dC=[o\ (setq CP (list X_Cood Yleth1 0)) lC<;Q*Y (setq ridus (- ridus reduce)) #M-!/E (command "donut" (- ridus ridus) ridus CP "") >eJ<-3L; (setq Xchange (+ Xchange 1)) 5.rAxdP ) HC iRk1 (setq Ychange (+ Ychange 1)) fz'qB-F
Y ) N'
hT )