comethroug |
2006-11-07 10:36 |
在一篇资料上看到以下文字: ]neex|3lG u|TeE\0 NonImaging COncentrator Synthesis (NICOS) code, a software tool developed q,|j]+9q at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). The NICOS software is a high-fidelity, high-speed ray tracing code that computes radiometric and/or photometric quantities of interest for optical systems consisting of extended sources and combinations of reflective and/or refractive optical components. In its global-optimization mode, NICOS performs a search in which the shapes and relative orientations of one or more optical components are systematically varied within a multi-dimensional space of parameters until optimality of a user-specified radiometric or photometric performance measure is achieved. $|@@Qk/T ;:g@zAV 此文说,该软件可以通过设定各光源位置,光学元件(透镜)的各面变化范围,和设计要求,软件可以自动给出设计结果。请问哪位高人用过这个东东,在那里可以找到这种软件?