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- Optical imaging and aberrations by Virendra N. Mahajan (194 回复)
- 《lens design》 Donald Dilworth2018最新出的一本书,分享给大家。 (27 回复)
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- 现代光学应用技术手册(上册) (70 回复)
- modern Optical engineer Warren J. Smith 光学经典书籍 (11 回复)
- 分享一本特别好的光学设计教材Modern Optical Egineering 4th edition (6 回复)
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- 光学(第五版) ([美] Eugene,Hecht(尤金・赫克特) 著,秦克诚 译) (10 回复)
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- Optomechanical Engineering Handbook(光学机械设计手册)下载 (150 回复)
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- Optical Engineering at the College of Optical Sciences (84 回复)
- Optomechanical Engineering Handbook (12 回复)
- A classification of photographic lens types.pdf (6 回复)
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- fundamentals of progressive lenses (18 回复)
- 分享P.C.D Hobbs-Building Electro-Optical Systems (20 回复)
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- 一本关于粒子光学方面的经典好书~Applied Charged Particle Optics (19 回复)
- Larry C. Andrews经典著作Field Guide to Atmospheric Optics (47 回复)
- Free-Space Optics (Bouchet et al.) (21 回复)
- 工程光學-Engineering Optics,Iizuka K,3Ed (34 回复)
- microptics(微光学,二元光学经典) (103 回复)
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- 2009 Optical Measurement Techniques Innovations for Industry and the Life Sciences (23 回复)
- Free Space Optics(已搜无重复,清晰PDF) (60 回复)
- 量子光学(Quantum optics,Walls D.F., Milburn G.J.)下载 (61 回复)
- Elements of quantum optics -4Ed (Meystre P., Sargent IIII M. 2007 Springer)量子光学经典著作 (70 回复)
- Introduction to Fourier Optics(2nd Ed)-J.Goodman (50 回复)
- 2005 new Ebook-PRINCIPLES OF LASERS AND OPTICS (47 回复)
- Diffraction, Fourier Optics And Imaging (41 回复)
- Applied photographic optics--by sidney F.Ray 3ED的第二十四章----Evolution of the photographic lens (11 回复)
- 国外经典教材:The Principles Of Nonlinear Optics (75 回复)
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- 经典、量子光学导引:A Modern Introduction to Classical and Quantum Optics (17 回复)
- Optics - Eugene Hecht_4ed _Solution Manual (50 回复)
- Quantum Optics (6 回复)
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- Theoretical Optics - An Introduction 推荐一本还不错的书 (50 回复)
- 分享Introduction to NONIMAGING OPTICS (99 回复)
- Electro-Optics Handbook (7 回复)
- Principles of Optics 60th Anniversary Edition (Max Born, Emil Wolf) (7 回复)
- Optics Principles and Applications (Sharma K. K.) (5 回复)
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